Analyzing Approaches Nursing Leaders Use to Address Practice Issues

Nursing leaders play a critical role in navigating complex healthcare environments and addressing various issues in practice. Effective leadership in nursing involves implementing different approaches to ensure that healthcare settings run smoothly and deliver high-quality patient care. In this paper, we will analyze the various leadership approaches nursing leaders use to address issues in practice, providing examples of each approach.

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Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Transformational leadership is one of the most influential approaches in nursing practice. It focuses on inspiring and motivating staff to exceed expectations by fostering an environment of growth, collaboration, and innovation. Transformational leaders aim to create a shared vision and encourage team members to take ownership of their roles.

Example: A transformational nursing leader may address low staff morale by promoting professional development opportunities and recognizing individual achievements. They may also involve nurses in decision-making processes, encouraging a sense of autonomy and engagement within the team.

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Transactional Leadership in Nursing

Transactional leadership is based on structured tasks, clear rewards, and consequences. In nursing practice, this approach focuses on maintaining order and ensuring that nurses adhere to established protocols and guidelines. Transactional leaders offer rewards for meeting performance standards and disciplinary measures for failing to do so.

Example: A transactional nurse leader might address a situation where staff are not adhering to safety protocols by introducing clear consequences for non-compliance, such as additional training or shifts. This leader could also implement reward systems like recognition or bonuses for staff who consistently follow safety guidelines.

Servant Leadership in Nursing

Servant leadership is a patient-centered approach where the leader prioritizes the needs of their staff and patients. This leadership style fosters a supportive environment where leaders empower their teams to provide the best possible care by focusing on their well-being and development.

Example: A servant nursing leader may address high nurse burnout by prioritizing mental health resources and creating support systems within the team. They might implement flexible schedules, encourage self-care, and provide access to counseling services to ensure that nurses feel valued and supported.

Situational Leadership in Nursing

Situational leadership requires leaders to adapt their leadership style depending on the situation and the team’s needs. This approach is highly flexible, allowing leaders to assess the context and choose the most effective way to guide their team, whether through coaching, directing, supporting, or delegating.

Example: A situational nursing leader might face an issue of inadequate clinical skills among newer nurses. In response, they could provide hands-on coaching and mentorship to guide them through difficult tasks. As these nurses gain more experience, the leader would gradually shift to a delegating role, encouraging independence.

Democratic Leadership in Nursing

Democratic leadership involves collaboration and input from team members in decision-making processes. This approach values transparency and encourages active participation, fostering a culture where everyone’s opinion is valued. It is particularly effective in nursing settings where diverse perspectives can improve patient care.

Example: A democratic nurse leader may address a challenge like implementing new electronic health record (EHR) systems by forming a committee of nurses to evaluate the software. After gathering feedback, the leader would work collaboratively with the team to determine the best practices for using the system in day-to-day care.

Autocratic Leadership in Nursing

Autocratic leadership is a top-down approach where the leader makes decisions independently and expects staff to follow orders. While less common in modern healthcare settings, this style may be useful in emergency situations where quick, decisive action is required.

Example: An autocratic nursing leader may take charge during a medical crisis, such as a patient experiencing cardiac arrest, where rapid decision-making is essential. The leader would issue clear, direct instructions to the nursing team to ensure that immediate and effective actions are taken.

Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nursing

Laissez-faire leadership is a hands-off approach where the leader provides minimal direction and allows the team to take the initiative in addressing issues. While this approach may encourage creativity and independence, it can lead to confusion or inefficiency if the team lacks the necessary guidance.

Example: In a highly skilled and self-motivated nursing team, a laissez-faire leader may delegate tasks and allow staff to manage patient care independently. This approach can be effective when team members are experienced and capable of making decisions without constant supervision.


Nursing leaders utilize various approaches to address issues in practice, each with its unique advantages and challenges. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams, while transactional leaders focus on rewards and discipline. Servant leadership prioritizes the well-being of staff, while situational leadership adapts to the needs of the moment. Democratic leadership fosters collaboration, and autocratic leadership ensures swift decision-making in crises. Finally, laissez-faire leadership allows for autonomy but may require more structure in some situations. Each approach has its place in nursing leadership, and effective leaders often blend multiple styles to best address the diverse challenges of nursing practice.

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