Applying Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling – P-O-L-C

Business Assessment

The Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park is a partnership business involving three family members that include Joe, Carl, and Uncle John. The business has been doing well since it was able to grow exponentially within a very short period of time. However, the partners were not able to change to accommodate the swift business growth and as a result, they experienced a number of crises. The partners were unable to establish a mission statement that would guide them in running their business. This created diversity in partners’ interest toward business expansion. They also failed to establish the most suitable way to organize resources which included the human resource. This resulted to conflict on resources allocation and sharing in business. The partners also underestimated the significance of recruitment, training, job description, and design. This resulted to shortage in the human resource in the business, confusion in job assignment and shortage of skills among the employees in various job areas.

The partners failed in putting any effort to motivate their employees. Employees were moved from one job position to another without training; there were no any employees development plan in the organization and thus, employees felt used and less satisfied with their work. The partners also failed to establish standards for measuring their business outcome. As a result the partners could conflict about aspects that demonstrate business failure and those that demonstrate business success. They also ignored negative comments and information that came to their customers and employees an aspect that denied them any chance for improvement in their operation. They delayed any plan or action to enhance the organization outcome and as a result, they were risking loss of customers to their competitor located not very far away. Nevertheless the business has a number of strength which includes having more advance facilities that keeps on attracting its customers back. Despite this, the business should consider improving their operations to keep their customers and employees happy and to enhance the growth and expansion of the business.

Management Model

The best management model that might be used to enhance operation in this organization is collaborative management model. This model is selected because it recognizes individuals different working position but still encourage collaboration in defining solutions to different issues affecting the organization. The entire organization team should collaborate in developing the organization mission and vision, and to be committed to the organization success. This will highly assist the company in developing the best mechanism to handle the surrounding problems. Collaborative management will include handling problems the human resource such as lack of enough training on various jobs or fields, lack of enough employees to address increasing customers demand. Collaborative solving of the problems will also assist the company to establish the best way to coordinate the entire business without major issues for instance the collaboration between the field manager, trainer and administrator in allocation of resources and confirmation of booking. This will assist in effective management of human resources and also enhance field managers operation to avoid double allocation of resources at the same time, or allocation of resources where there are no employees to oversee clients’ operation. Collaboration will also assist in effective division of work and ensure management of various aspects such as resources allocation, and employees’ duties assignments among others. Although it is hard to attain the collaborative ground, its attainment will enhance effective operation and coordination of activities in the business (Community Tool Box, 2015).

Roles and Responsibilities of Employees

The business owners should consider effective division of work. Currently Joe is involved in resources allocation. To ensure effective organization operation, Carl should always make allocation with effective collaboration of others in the field. He should be sure that there are enough employee to assist the clients demanding for a certain resources and availability of an overseer based on whether clients can operate the resource on their or they will need assistance. The available employee should have enough training on operation of the resources and a fine touch on how to handle various problems that may arise in the field. Joe should concentrate on training, but at the same time set enough time per week to train the business employees to operate different equipment and also on rules of various games and how the games should be managed. This will increase employees efficiency and make them all round employees who can be assigned to any section when need be. Nevertheless, Carl should also understand the qualification of every employee to ensure that each employee is always assigned to duties one can handle best. Uncle John should also oversee shooting gallery operation and train employees anticipated to work in that section too.

However, the entire employees and other resources allocation duties should be done in the office by Carl to avoid further confusion. Carl should enhance communication with those in the field to ensure that he has a record of resources in use and free resources.  This position is good for Carl since he has some management skills. Joe fits in training since it has for a long time been part of his career while Uncle John is conversant with his operation department. The three owners should then work in collaboration to establish the organization policies, and how changes should be employed in the organization. Carl should be given an upper hand in making urgent management related decision due to his past experience in the sport field and his management skills. However, any change should be communicated to all members of the organization.

Communication Flow

This is a partnership business where three people should be involved in decision making. In this regard, the business should develop open communication among the three partners and also between the partners and the employees. In case one of the partners identifies a problem that may need to be solved immediately, the partner should initiate a communication with other partners and organize for an urgent meeting where the matter will be discussed. An employee with skills in the field in question may also be called in this meeting to enhance effective decision making. In case an urgent decision is needed the person with issue may consult with Carl who will be involved in urgent decision making and discuss the issue with him. An employee will also have the right to go directly to Carl’s office and report if there is anything going wrong and Carl will be able to discuss the matter with others. This open communication will enhance sharing of ideas and solving identified problems in satisfactory manner.

Improving P-O-L-C

To enhance business operation, the three partners need call for a collaborative meeting with their employees and define the organization, mission, vision, goals, values and policies to guide the organization operation. After accomplishing the planning part the partner will be required to define organization structure and assign duties to each individual or department in the organization. They will also define the organization culture which should focus more on offering the best working environment and providing their customers and employees the first priority. They will probably establish an open communication channel where they can receive feedback or complains from their customers and employees to enhance system improvement. In the leadership section, the company should consider giving the top management position to Carl who has experience in management. Carl will be making urgent decisions but where major decisions that are less urgent are needed the two other partners will be involved. Employees will be anticipated to work as a team and be motivated to acquire all round skills. Employees will be rewarded with incentives or salary increment for extra skills or ability to effectively operate in different sections in the business.  The business will embrace open communication or two way communication to enhance sharing of ideas, easy identification of problems and enhance business operation. Employees will be trained regularly, and be promoted based on their experience. The business will employ more employee if need be or add bonus to employees who work overtime (Flat World Education, 2016).

Balanced Scorecard

Customers: Customers will need to be provided with good services to ensure value for their money and their satisfaction. This will include effective booking, assignment of resources, and availability of all resources during their stay in the field. They should also have skilled personnel to assist them when need be.

Financial Performance: The business is currently performing well financially, however, more attention will be needed to resolve issues that may easily make the organization lose some of its customers. To maximize its earning, the organization needs invest more on customer satisfaction by resolving the current negatives in the organization.

Internal Business Process: The organization lacks defined strategies to follow to enhance their performance. In this regard, the organization will need to define their internal business operation to enhance effective flow of operation and to eliminate the current confusion and mismanagement of resources.

Organization capacity: The organization demonstrates the ability to handle variety and huge number of customers based on their resources. However, it will need to train their employees more on the application of these resources. More management and business administration skill is needed by both Joe and Uncle John to ensure they are fit for suitable decision making in the business (Scorecard Institute, 2015).

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