Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Custodial Model of Incarceration Vs Rehabilitation Model In Correctional Setting

When examining the historical context of treatment in a correctional setting, it must be seen through both domestic and international viewpoints. Under the domestic view, the United States primarily uses a custodial model, which focuses on using incapacitation as the method of retribution and deterrence. In contrast, the international view, specifically Europe, uses the rehabilitation


Malaria Demographics In India Review

Feared since the days of the Roman Empire, malaria remains a major health problem. This infection is caused by the transmission of a parasite that is carried from person to person by the bites of female mosquitoes. The symptoms of malaria include fever, shivering, vomiting and it also leads to anaemia. If left untreated, malaria


Strategic Training and Development Decisions Purposes and Approaches

Defining the strategic approach to employee training and development allows organizations to align training and development to overall organizational success. Organizations may provide minimal training for job-specific skills or they may opt for a wide range of training and development opportunities to foster human talent development and ties to succession planning. Research the purposes and


Legal Case Analysis Using IRAC Method

Select one legal case from a current event that has taken place within the past 2 years relevant to the following objectives: Write an explanation of no more than 750 words about how the legal concepts in the selected case can be applied within a business managerial setting. Required elements:


4 Things To Explore Before Starting A Business

When starting a business, it is advisable to explore several things. I would use the technique of analysis of the business idea from four broad but basic perspectives. These include the customer, company, the competitor and the collaborator. It gives a chance to make a scrutiny of the business idea before dealing with the brand


Risk Register – Assignment Instructions

For this Assignment, you will practice techniques that you can use to communicate your assessment of a project’s risks to other stakeholders. Develop a risk register to manage and reduce risks identified before and during the picnic project; you will need to document risk mitigation strategies being pursued in response to the identified risks and


Role Of Social Media in Politics – Magazine Style Article

You will write a magazine-style article that addresses the role of social media in politics. Our readings offer some disagreement on this issue. They also point to both national and international political scenes. This is a tough assignment. You probably have some experience with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), but you may not have


Separation of Powers Doctrine In the USA Discussion Questions

The separation of powers doctrine in the U.S. commonly refers to the division of federal government responsibilities into three distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another.  The intent is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and balances. The traditional characterizations of the powers of the


Family Dynamics Role In Child Development

Family dynamics play a major role in how children develop. These influences include structure, expectations, parenting styles, and involvement. To understand more about how childhood experiences with your family have influenced current identification of self, take a few minutes and think back to those days. Analyze the role that family structure, expectations, parenting styles, and involvement of

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