Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Statement of Need -Grant Proposal Components

Statement of need A statement of need is an explanation that defines a problem that needs to be addressed. It is important in writing a grant proposal because it justifies the need for a grant. Therefore information should be based on objective research rather than subjective research. A statement of need describes explicitly the target […]


Priori Knowledge, Posteriori Knowledge And Inferential Knowledge

What is a priori knowledge? How is it acquired? And how do we know whether a priori propositions are true? Explain your answer, using an example of your own. A priori knowledge refers to propositional knowledge gained through rational thought. These propositions are always true. This knowledge is acquired through rational thinking, self-understanding and personal


Is Algebra Necessary in Education?

It is my opinion that algebra is necessary in the education for various reasoning. The teaching of algebra should remain mandatory in the enrollment of various discipline, but it should be tailor made to encourage students even the weakest ones. The first reason is that algebra help students to put more efforts in their studies


Pros and Cons of Diagnosing Children

One of the great controversies in the field of psychology relates to how we definenormal and abnormal behavior. There is general agreement with the official definitions of abnormal behavior; that is, abnormal behavior is severe or maladaptive enough to need diagnosis and psychological or psychiatric treatment. These official definitions are contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental


Mental Illness Analysis Paper Instructions

Select a form of mental illness from the following list: ADHD Alzheimer’s disease Anxiety disorder; select one of the following: Panic disorder General anxiety disorder Any phobic disorder Obsessive–compulsive disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Autism Anorexia nervosa Bipolar disorder Bulimia nervosa Depression Schizophrenia Write a 1,300- to 1,650-word paper including the following: Explain the history or background of


Why Did the Communication System Break Down Hours After Hurricane Katrina?

Essay Questions: Your final work product will be a coherent essay (introduction, body paragraph and conclusion) addressing each of the following questions using the textbook material, the video and outside sources: Why did the communication system break down hours after Hurricane Katrina? How is the issue of “interoperability” dangerous to the concept of federalism and


Active Directory Recovery And Availability Monitoring Plan

Scenario: The small business that you created new domain controllers for now wants you to develop a backup and recovery plan for Active Directory. You also need to develop a monitoring scheme to ensure the new Active Directory environment remains available. Explain this backup and recovery plan along with the tools needed to monitor the



Thromboembolic disorders: Thromboembolism is a dangerous disease especially in the United States; the major cause of death in the United States is abnormal-blood-clotting (thrombosis). Many researches are published to improve our understanding of the etiology and causes of the abnormal blood clotting, and many reports talk about improvement of clinical diagnosis and therapy. There are


Scholarship Application Essay Instructions

Essay Guidelines Within the essay portion of the application we ask that you do three things: Tell the reviewers about your goals Describe any community service or other activities that have influenced your life. Tell us both of these things in around 300 words. Tell us about your goals: Tell us what you want to


The UK Starbucks Tax Scandal Case Study And Discussion Questions

‘Starbucks’ coffee menu famously baffles some people. In Britain, it’s their accounts that are confusing. Starbucks has been telling investors the business was profitable, even as it consistently reported losses’ (Reuters 2012). It is not uncommon for Multinationals (MNCs) to adopt legal tactics to avoid taxes and other business expenses. The Seattle-based group is the

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