Steps Involved in Recruiting staff For a New Office

Write a paper on the steps involved in recruiting staff for a new office. You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at your organization. As the CHRO, one of your primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. Your organization is planning to expand business operations to your neighboring state by opening an office. As a result of this expansion, your organization needs to make sure that the best and brightest employees are recruited to fill key roles at the new office. Write a 5-7 page research paper using APA style outlining the steps involved in recruiting the staff at the new office.

The Recruitment Process

Recruitment is defined as the process of attracting, assessing, and picking a competent individual to fill a given job position. The strategic level encompasses the process of brand development, which involves the employee offering. The recruitment process consists of a number of stages including job analysis, job specification development, and candidate sourcing through networking, searching or advertising. Once a candidate has been matching to the job requirements, the screening and testing processes then commences. This stage involves screening of the qualified candidates (Bizer, Heese, Mochol, Oldakowski, Tolksdorf& Eckstein, 2005). The organization’s managers, the human resource personnel, or recruitment specialists, internal or external, conduct the candidate screening process.

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The basic steps that are involved in the recruitment process include :Forming a selection committee; Analyzing the position requirements; Advertising the position; Receive applications; Compile interview questions; Initial testing and evaluating the candidates; Behavioral based interview; Select successful candidate; Reference inspection; Placement confirmation; The post-offer acceptance; The onboarding process; Feedback and new hire scrutiny(Roberts, 1997).

The above listed processes are stages used to ensure that the recruitment process is conducted effectively. The roles played by these processes are highly dependent on the recruiting organization as each of them plays different roles in different organizations (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). Nevertheless, the stages are used as universal recruitment basic guidelines in various organizations.

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Pre recruitment considerations

Prior to beginning the recruitment process, those charged with governance should identify and assess the viability of the need to hire. They should also review the costs and liabilities associated with the hiring process, such as advertising fees, costs of accommodating the new staff, salaries, training costs, supervisory burden, and and determine how those additional liabilities will be covered(Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). In addition, the organization will be required to review statutory requirements before commencing the recruitment process. These requirements include documentation of employment contracts, health and safety training, insurance covers and employee’s retirement contributions. The final consideration will be assessing the workplace to ensure that it is conducive for the new employees.

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Forming a Selection Committee

A selection committee is usually made of two to four members who are entrusted with the duty of selecting the most suitable candidate to fill the vacant position (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). Members of the selection committee are chosen on basis of their independence, competence and professionalism to make non-biased judgment.It is recommended that both genders be represented in the selection committee. The selected committee members should not have partiality in favor of any candidate before the commencement of the selection process as this could damage the integrity of the process (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985).

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Individuals to be selected to join the selection committee will be responsible for determining the most appropriate method of assessment, interviewing the candidates, selecting the best candidates, and ensuring that the integrity of the selection process is maintained (Bizer et al., 2005). They must therefore be well versed with the vacant position’s qualification requirements as well as equal employment opportunity principles. Once the selection team has been convened, there will be no change in its members except in case of a member wanting to leave due to illness or emergency reasons (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985).

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Review Position Description

During this stage, the selection panel will review the job description for the available positions as well as prepare one for the positions that might not have one available. By so doing, the members of the selection committee will become conversant with the job’s duties and objectivesand they will also be able to review the selection criteria and employment conditions including pay, hours, and leave among others. Position descriptions should be availed to applicants to ensure that they are well informed about nature of the job being offered.

Advertising the position

After analyzing the position requirements, the selection team will then be required to come up with ways of informing potential candidates of the available positions. This stage is of great importance as it ensures that qualified individuals who are interested in the position being offered send in their applications (Bizer, et al., 2005). The wider the audience reached, the higher the chances of getting fitting candidates to fill in the positions in the new branch. There are several ways through which the selection team can reach potential candidates. They include distributing internal memos; advertising through media, recruitment agencies, employment websites, organization’s website, organization’s newsletter, local shops, and local notice board among others; referrals from professional institutions; or through social media postings (Roberts, 1997).

Receive Applications

Applications for the open positions must be received and processed with diligence as failure to do so could jeopardize a potential candidate’s chances of employment causing them distress, frustration, and financial destitution (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). All employment applications will be acknowledged as soon as they are received, and then they will be filed in their appropriate places to prevent loss or damage. The selection committee’s chairperson will then review all applications received and establish a short list of the most suitable candidates. In case of a large number of applications, the other members of the selection team will assist the chairman with the shortlisting process.

In establishing the short list, all candidates who do not meet the key selection criteria and those who have not provided all the required information will be eliminated. Any candidates who do not have the required skills, capacities and those who have insufficient experience are also eliminated at this stage (Taylor & Bergmann, 1987). The applications that remain after elimination process is conducted are examined closely and points awarded for each key selection criteria. The applications with the highest number of points make up the short list and are passed on to the interviewing process.

Arrange Interviews

In this stage, interview’s venue and time will be arranged for both interviewer and candidate’s convenience. The selection committee should strive to find the most convenient time for the candidate and if possible, they should put that information into consideration when arranging interviews (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985).

The short listed candidates will be notified by telephone to ensure that the message sent is received on timely basis. The notification call should give the candidate details regarding the interview’s venue and time; name and contact details of the interviewing panel’s chairperson; the position being offered; the organization and length of the interview and the number of panelists to be present during the interview.

Compile Interview Questions

The selection committee should compile interview questions to be used in assessing the candidates. These questions must be closely related to the position’s key selection criteria. All interview questions should be well-worded and open ended so as to encourage the candidate describe their experiences and also give them room to portray their knowledge (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). Some questions might take the form of hypothetical subjects as it adds significant pressure and helps in evaluating the candidate’s knowledge, readiness to work and experience levels.

Each key selection criteria should have at least one interview question. However, the interviewers are required to have supplementary questions ready should the candidate have difficulties answering the initial question. When the candidate does not answer the question satisfactory, the supplementary question gives him/her a second chance to give the interviewers more information.

Conduct Interviews

The interviews will be conducted following a multi step process. There will be initial telephone interviews for all short listed candidates. The telephone interviews will last 10 to 15 minutes during which the candidate will be asked general questions that will help the committee assess his/her level of competence. The successful candidates will then be invited for a main interview.

Main interviews will take approximately 40 minutes. The 40 minutes will be divided into two, 30 minutes questioning time and 10 minutes change around time. During the questioning time, the candidates will be asked questions and the interviewees will assess their knowledge and competence based on answers given (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). During the change over time, the interviewees take notes, discuss the candidate, and refresh. The interview duration can be extended for management positions that require more time. If the selection committee has any irresolution regarding the interview outcome, the best candidates from the main interview will be invited for a follow up interview.

Select Successful Candidate

The most fitting candidates to fill majority of positions available will be selected on merit. Selection on merit is defined as the process of determining the candidates who have the proficiencies, skills and the knowledge considered most suitable for the position being offered (Roberts, 1997). In this system, all viable candidates will compete for the positions throughout the selection process from presenting written applications to any tests that will be conducted to determine the best candidates (Roberts, 1997). However, some of the positions will be filled under the closed merit system, where the candidates to be recruited will be drawn from the organization.  

Pre existing relationships, both personal and professional, must not be taken into consideration when selecting the most fitting candidates as that would mean that the selection process would not be entirely based on merit.

Reference Inspection

During this stage, the selection committee will check the successful applicants’ referees. Although it is highly unlikely that the referees will make negative comments regarding the candidate, the election team should be keen enough to gather useful information from what the referees say or do not say. Referees will be contacted through phone calls that should last less than five minutes except for few exceptions such as if the position on offer is a senior one.

To ensure that all the required information is gathered within the shortest time possible, the selection committee will be required to prepare an interview guide before making the telephone call.

Formally Notify

The selection committee will be required to formally notify all candidates, the successful and the unsuccessful ones, of the selection process outcome as soon as possible. This will ensure that the successful candidates are still interested and able to take the job being offered and also to enable the unsuccessful candidates to carry on with their search.

Notification will be done through phone calls and letters. The selection committee will make telephone calls to all successful candidates to confirm that they will be taking the job. Letters of offer will then follow these calls to the candidates. The letter will contain important information relating to the position including start date, remuneration, working hours, and duties among others (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985). Letters will also be sent out to all the unsuccessful candidates.

The post-offer acceptance

Offer acceptance does not guarantee that the candidate will show up for work on the agreed date. The main objective of this stage is to ensure that candidates who accept job offers do not back out as a result of indecisiveness or counter offer (Roberts, 1997). In this process, the selection committee will be required to maintain regular communications with the newly hired employees as well as generate ties that will link the employee to the organization. 

The onboarding process 

The new employees will be taken through the onboarding process as soon as they report to work. The onboarding process will provide the new hires with information and resources that will allow them to become more productive quickly (Barron, Bishop & Dunkelberg, 1985).

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Feedback and new hire scrutiny

 This stage is vital in ensuring that the recruitment process is constantly being improved. During this stage, the new hires’ performance is assessed and the information gathered used in validating the quality of the recruitment process (Bizer et al., 2005). In the event that a high percentage of the new employees perform poorly, fail, or quit, the entire recruitment process will be reviewed to identify and rectify any loopholes. The new hires will also be used to determine the most effective elements of the hiring process.

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Mapping out the recruitment process can be very beneficial for the organization as it ensures that all the stages are followed. Furthermore, it helps the process participants realize the big and understand the interrelationships between the distinct steps.

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