Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Solving Mind-Body Problem Presented by Dualism and its Relationship to Cognitive Science

Understanding reality and all the intricacies surrounding it has long been the quest of sophisticated sages. The mysterious nature of our environment together with all its components has been the subject of extended discussions within philosophical circles, with the primary aim being the improvement of its comprehension. One of the most common examples of this […]


Social Expectations between 1450 and 1800

Social expectations and all other ideas tied to it have existed for centuries among world civilizations. These expectations were therefore an integral part of society since they determined the image that one would portray while settling into their adaptive function. Behaviors of whole populations were therefore decided by such expectations, even going as far as


Sex Trafficking in the Native American Community

Over the past decade, numerous interest groups have made it their life’s work to expose sex trafficking and its permeation across the entire globe. The primary objective of such pundits has always been to shed light on a modern-day existential debacle that still remains ignored by a wider section of society. In reality, sex trafficking


Significant Events that Took Place During The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties was an epoch in and around the 1920s that was punctuated by sustained prosperity in various spheres of Western society. For this assignment, a list of significant events that took place during this age will be listed and categorized as Economic, Social or Political. Furthermore, each incident will be connected to what


Optimizing Customer Feedback -Research Proposal

Research Background and Aim The onset of the 20th presented new opportunities for business savvy persons across the globe to establish their enterprises while using new strategies to ensure that they thrived. Keeping these businesses afloat was a primary objective for most entrepreneurs with most of these individuals painstakingly seeking ingenious methods to outmaneuver their


Race Relations and Freedom in Of Love and Dust By Ernest Gaine

Race relations and the resultant effect that they have had on individuals living in the United States has always been a thorny issue to broach. In a society where a majority of the population descends from Caucasian European pioneers, minorities rarely get an equal share of the national cake and in most cases treated without


BUS 6420 – Need for Sustainability Manager at Top Shelf

Assignment Instructions – Need for Sustainability Manager A Sustainability Manager provides a specific focus on the environmental and social concerns of the company. In this assignment you will explore the importance of this position and the incorporated responsibilities. Review what happens next at Top Shelf from the Top Shelf Scenario : Top Shelf has a fairly


BUS 6420 Argosy- Course Project Scenario : Top Shelf Shoes

Top Shelf was found in 1990 by Tie Woodward. Within five years, Top Shelf had established a solid presence in the global shoe business with production facilities in Asia and sales throughout the world. By 2000, Top Shelf had a share of 45 percent of the global market in shoe sales. In 2001, Top Shelf


The 1400s Exploration and Expansion of Europe

European explorers in the 1400’s sailed to a number of lands that were previously unknown. This exploration was inspired by desire for glory, curiosity, and greed and with the aid of the technological advancement. One of the three developments which stimulated this age of exploration included the rise of trade and towns along with the


“How it will End” By Denise Duhamel’s – Poetry Explication

Love has often been an overarching theme in poetry. Masterpieces have been written to describe its intriguing nature and how it is, primarily, the spice of life (Hirsch & Duke University, 2013, p. 45). Nonetheless, there are moments when this fiery passion inadvertently fades away, paving the way for a certain level of vulnerability that was

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