Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Article Critique – Attitudes to Mental Illness and Its Demographic Correlates among General Population in Singapore

Article Critique : Experimental Research Designs In investigating cause and effect, experimental research designs are ranked amongst some of the most preferred study techniques in Psychology. This is because they offer an exceptional opportunity for the probing of the existential relationship that exists between various variables(Srinagesh, 2011, p. 23). In classic quantitative nature, comparisons are made […]


Social Media’s Adverse Effects with a Special Focus on Cyberbullying – Argumentative Essay

Social Media: Friend or Foe? Over the past century mankind has made inordinate advances in innumerable fields within a relatively short span. This great leap forward took hold in the 21st century owing to the availability of new technology and novel innovations prevalent in this era. Incidentally, futurists contended that technological advancements will herald a


Anthropology in its Formative Period (1900-1950) As the Study of Presumed Isolated and “Primitive” Societies Rather Than as The Study of Global Urban Relations

Why did anthropology, in its formative period (1900-1950) develop as the study of presumed isolated and “primitive” societies, rather than as the study of global urban relations? The advancement of anthropology as a fully-fledged discipline occurred during the first half of the 20th century. World-renowned researchers such as Margaret Mead (1901-1978), Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), Franz


Obesity – Annotated Bibliography

Kessler, D. A. (2016). The end of overeating: Taking control of the insatiable American appetite. New York: Simon & Schuster. Dr Kessler is still remembered by many for the central role he played as an FDA commissioner and policymaker. A medical doctor by profession, he seeks to explain the intricacies of obesity and how thousands find themselves in


Analyzing Unethical Behavior In Criminal Justice – The United States v. Jerry M. Bell, Darryl M. Forrest, and Dustin Sillings

Analyzing Unethical Behavior Over the past three decades, the criminal justice system has received a tirade of criticism owing to a spike in cases of unethical behavior amongst persons expected to serve the citizenry under various capacities. A typical reason cited to explain this phenomenon is the supposed disillusionment that often plagues persons in this


An Evaluation of Issues Related to Childhood Obesity

Introduction The 21st century has been punctuated by sudden spikes in epidemiological transitions that have, more often than not, been the bane of human existence. Concomitantly, obesity is presently progressing in prevalence with a wide range of causative factors being blamed for this particular state of affairs. Even more shocking, is the rise in cases


An Analysis of the (Re)-homing of Canadian Indigenous Children into Non-Indigenous Homes

Introduction In recent times, the provision of appropriate care to members of First Nation tribes has been of the utmost importance to the Canadian federal government. Years of contact with European powers during colonial wars successively left indigenous communities weak and with unfulfilledpromises. The struggle that ensued between 1754 and 1763 between France and Britain


An Analysis of Nordstrom and Starbuck’s Mission Statements as a Guide to Servant Leadership

The spread, permeation, and application of the servant leadership model as a philosophy that is now widely acclaimed remains a baffling contemporary development. From its humble beginnings as a concept fashioned by Robert K. Green, it now boasts a considerable following among leading corporations and Fortune 500 companies. This sudden paradigm shift in matters leadership

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