Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Effects of Personality, Interrogation Techniques and Plausibility in an Experimental False Confession Paradigm – Article Review Summary

Klaver, J. R., Lee, Z., & Rose, V. G. (2008).Effects of personality, interrogation techniques and plausibility in an experimental false confession paradigm.Legal and Criminological Psychology, 13.71-88. Reason for Conducting the Study The research was conducted to determine the effect of interrogation techniques, personality variables, and the alleged transgression plausibility level on the false confessions experimental […]


Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Correctional Agency Exploration

The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is the state correctional agency of the administration of the U.S. state of Texas. According to Texas Sunset Advisory Commission, (2012) the TDCJis accountable for the maneuver of protectedcorrectional institutions for adult criminals. The accountability comprises managing criminals in state jails, state prisons and private correctional amenities, funding


Why STARTTS has a Capoeira Angola Program

Introduction The paper reviews on Capoeira Angola Program in Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS). Capoeira Angola refers to an Afro-Brazilian art which integrates features of martial dance, music and arts. In this art, a roda (circle) is formed by participants, who take turns singing, playing music instruments, or


Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is the procedure that gets those injured by offense, and those accountable for the injury, into dialog, allowing every person affected by a specific happening to play a part in revamping the damage and finding a constructive way forward (Sherman, &Strang, 2007). The central component of restorative justice is a conversation amongst the


Internet, Computer hardware And Software Industry Compensation System Evaluation

Introduction Google is a technology company that is found in the internet, computer hardware, and computer software industry. This is a very dynamic industry that experiences constant change of technology and products. The industry focuses on employing highly skilled personnel that are highly creative and innovative. Each company in the industry therefore adopts a competitive


Role of Intermediate Sanctions in Corrections

Intermediate sanctions are a form of penalty utilized in the criminal justice structure. These criminal sentences plummet between incarceration and probation (Gowdy, 1993). They are a type of limitation placed on a convicted offender who is not incarcerated. You can reflect intermediate sanctions as an intensified or high level of probation (McGarry, & Carter, 1993).

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