Being Over-involved in Dealing with International Ills or Allowing Evil to Run Free

What’s worse for the US—being over-involved in dealing with international ills or allowing evil to run free?

After World War II, the US established a system of international institutions and alliances to provide a framework for advancing its political freedom and economic openness. This initiative is founded on the understanding that the country’s security and prosperity are dependent on economic and political well-being abroad. However, in recent years, the value of America’s global involvement is under question as a considerable number of Americans believe that their well-being has become overly threatened by the engagements rather than being enhanced. Whereas the concerns are genuine, it is vital to note that the US is better when being involved in tackling international ills rather than allowing evil to run free.

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It is comforting for Americans to think that they can wall themselves off from the ailments of the world. However, as Chafe and Chafe (2014), phrases it ‘illness is contagious,’ and if unchecked, it eventually spreads to the unwanted area. Today’s world is overly interconnected, such that illnesses happening in other countries eventually spread to impact the US adversely if they remain unaddressed. If illness happening in other countries is allowed to fester and spread, sooner or later. It will come to harm the US. This is evident in the terrorist attacks that have targeted the United States, such as the September 11, 2001 attack (Brooks & Wohlforth, 2016). The attack helped the US understand why it needs to heighten its involvement in dealing with international ills.

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In today’s world, detachment and isolation only attract threats since they are not preordained. The US has an obligation to defend international peace. Besides, today’s global interconnectedness means that whatever is happening in other countries directly or indirectly affects the US as a result of the ripple effect (Brooks & Wohlforth, 2016). The recent coronavirus pandemic is a perfect example of how issues happening in other countries, if not addressed, can spread to adversely affect the United States. Similarly, if other illnesses such as violence are ignored, it is bound to spread and destabilize global peace (Chafe & Chafe, 2014). Moreover, globalization has ensured that the global economy is significantly connected. For instance, war and other illnesses happening in other countries threaten the US economy via the foreign market exchange. The great depressions of 1930 and 2008 are good examples of how the world economy is connected (Brooks & Wohlforth, 2016). Therefore, the US must continue its involvement in international issues.

In conclusion, the US owes it to its citizens and the world to defend humanity’s vital interests. It is also its responsibility to ensure that Americans remain safe from any threats. The federal government can only focus on internal issues, but this will leave the country exposed to external threats. It is, therefore, important that the US continue investing in fighting international ills. Ignoring the ills will not pose a threat to the US but also threatens the peace of humanity across the globe. However, it is also crucial that the country maintain a precise balance between being overly involved in international illnesses as it might present it as a bully. Nonetheless, if it must choose between being overly-invested in dealing with international ills or allowing evil to run free, the better option is the former as it ensures global peace and helps the nation defend its vital interests.

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