Knowledge Generation through Informatics

Informatics and Generating Nursing Knowledge

Informatics in Nursing employs the use of communication and information technologies to integrate knowledge and information and to manage it using information and communication technologies (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). Therefore, technologies are used to gather up knowledge and create the necessary nursing knowledge that will actually help nurses to deal with patients under their care. At present, more knowledge about nursing, especially in hospitals, has been integrated with technology, and more nursing professionals can access appropriate information to help them deal with their patients. Therefore, informatics enables the articulation of critical nursing data that can further be used to generate knowledge to be used by the nurses.

Clinical information systems thus enable nurses to have more time to be knowledge workers and thus contribute to the advancement of nursing processes. They save time imputing data manually and have more time to improve on their nursing practice. Electronic health records are among the information technologies that have transformed the collection and use of data in the healthcare fraternity (Ronquillo et al., 2016). Nurses use factual knowledge to make decisions associated with their daily duties in patient care. Therefore, in generating more knowledge new technologies have to be created. One new technology in nursing is photographic imaging. Generation of knowledge needs to use technology in producing information concerning empirics, esthetics and clinical reactions and experiences (Nagle, 2015).

Research usage and practice that is evidence centered in nursing will help in contributing more knowledge to nursing.  The use of the created knowledge will follow laid down standards used to input data in information technology systems like EHR. Nurses in contributing their experiences will help create new ways of providing care to patients as they use the technologies in place.  Therefore, the possibilities of using informatics to create more nursing knowledge will mean that more technologies based on nursing practices are set up to document data about patients and various practices carried out by the nurses in the hospital to generate data that will help individuals both inside and outside the healthcare environment (Mantalvo, 2013).


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