Should Public Policy Be A Separate Area Of Study?

On my account, I think that public policy should not get fused with other disciplines. Even though it appears to take its ground on varied social sciences like political science, economics, sociology, and law, this does not mean that it can simply get immersed into them and produce the same outcomes that are found in a public policy professional who entirely concentrates on it as an exclusive discipline.

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Public policy needs to be dealt with as a single entity and subject because it involves direct contact with policy problems(Anderson, 2015. p.1-36). When treated and taught as an individual discipline, academic speculations are well connected and informed in real-world conditions. In this manner, it is appreciated that public issues are not contained in traditional disciplinary boundaries, but stretch over different disciplines(John F. Kennedy School of Government& Harvard University, 1940). Public policy, consequently, needs to be treated as a single discipline because it involves a broad range of scientific understanding, communication skills, and quantitative expertise. Additionally, the individualization of the field means that a professional can solve real-world problems for clients in crisscrossing organizations and agencies.

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