Training Needs Analysis Assessment

What is your training problem statement or objective?

The training objective of employees will aim to enable the management together with the accountants to be able to apply and use the new accounting software which the company developed. This system will ensure that there is high accuracy to the users when they post financial information. It will ensure that thee access of the company’s financial is made easy to any potential user.


What skills and knowledge are required to perform the work?

  • Computer basic skills

Some of the employees in the organization are not good in using computers, thus the first skill that the training should focus on ensuring that employees have the ability to use computers effectively. For the new users to be able to use the new application software effectively, they must have the basic computer skills. The accountants who were not computer literate, previously they would enter the financial information in to physical journals and ledger books. However, the system would lead to many mistakes hence it was difficult to trace the error origin.

  • Entering data into the system

After the accountants have been through the training process and have acquired the necessary computer knowledge, they will learn how to start using the new application by starting and login and entering the financial information in to the system.

  • System data retrieval

After the accountants have the knowledge of using the new application software, it will be essential to acquire the knowledge of how to retrieve information from it and how to generate reports.

  • Understanding the error codes

After understanding how to retrieve data from the software, it will be necessary for the accountants to understand and know how to read the error codes which are generated by the new software. The application will give error prompts in case the command is unable to be executed or in case of wrong input. It will be crucial for each user to understand every single error and determine the way to correct them.


What are the measures of successful performance of the work?

The key measure of the successful work performance is the number of errors which were made during the generation of reports and the data entry. Although the system has automated many of the accounting processes and has greatly reduced the occurrence of human errors, it still depends on the accountants to feed data to it, thus the main part prone to error occurrence is the posting of transactions in the system.


Are people performing at the levels required?

Currently, employees have not been performing up to standards which are required. Using manual methods in posting of transactions it consumes a lot of time. This is because it consumes more time to post a data from a book to another book manually hence many errors occurring. It also consumes time to reconcile such errors as some reference is required to the physical books. It also makes it difficult to know who recorded such transaction hence impairing the ability of holding individuals accountable for their actions. The new system was put in place and most of the employees were computer illiterate thus its potential has not yet been fully utilized.

Today’s work place requires change and employees should stop looking in the rear view mirror and begin to upgrade their talents in order to move to the next level regardless of the company’s involvement. To maintain high performing employees, the few who have the mindsets, disciplined and ready to deliver each and every day will be maintained. Employees who not only are driven but they can anticipate crises, while managing change and blocking out the noise around them. For the firm to survive in today’s new short-term, fast-paced, talent-based world of work, it is necessary to understand the direct competitors, keep constant upgrade, embrace technology and achieve opportunity mastery at the work place (George & Jacob, 2016).


Is there under-performance for specific groups of employees?

Yes. There has been under-performance among particular groups of employees.

What are the causes of under-performance?

There are various causes of under-performance in any accounting department in an organization;

  • Stress

The accounting department is full of deadlines and demands hence there are employees who sustain and perform well under such pressure while others succumb to such raising pressure. In aggressive environments with high pressure levels will prove detrimental to the performance of any employee.

  • Lack of accountability

Lacking accountability negatively affects job performance. It is difficult to identify an employee who made a wrong posting using the manual system, which has made it difficult to maintain accountability. Employees have already identified this drawback in the manual system hence causing the underperformance.

  • Fatigue

Accountants experience fatigue due to the repetitive performance of the accounting activities like transaction posting in the account books and the entries posting from the journals to the ledger books. The longer and repetitive the tasks are done, the lower the performance will decrease.

  • The job environment

The use of manual systems in the accounting department, inadequate resources, poor work conditions, safety and health issues may contribute to low or high employee performance. Employee feedback should always alert the management to fix the existing problems.


What training will help bridge the gap between the standards of performance needed and the actual performance?

The firm came up with automated system which will carry out the some accounting cycle steps automatically as well as it receives data input. The training objective will be to equip the employee with the knowledge and skill of applying the new automated system. This training will help to bridge the gap which exists between current standards of performance through; promoting accountability and equipping the employees with the knowledge of using the automated system.

Is there specific training that is needed in the training triad categories below? 

  • Technical Training

Employee training will involve the technical training on the use of the accounting software. This training will include; starting the program together with login in to their respective accounts, posting entries the system and checking of errors, generating reports and charts portraying the trends of firm’s financial performance and making reversals on entries which are made together with tracking.

  • Business skills training

The business skills required needed time management together with coaching where the employees will acquire knowledge which will enable them help their colleagues on how to use the system whenever they get stuck. Time management skills will be for helping them to plan on how to prioritize tasks in the course of duty.

  • Human skills training

Human skills which are also referred to as relation skills require attention and communication to relate with others.


What is the expected return on the investment (ROI)?

Return on Investment (ROI) is the percentage rate used to measure profitability by comparing total net benefits (Returns) which are received from the project to the total costs (the investment) of the project.




What does success look like?

Business success may mean hitting specific amount of revenue, attaining customer satisfaction, and return on investment.


Do you have a budget for the training development/course?

The training and development will be very essential and extremely important to the business growth, Increasing the employee abilities and knowledge together with strengthening the existing relationships within a firm. The budget will be fair enough to sustain the entire training process (Ford, 2014).

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