On-Boarding And Its Major Steps

Also known as organization socialization, on-boarding is a process whereby a mechanism is put in place to enable new employees to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge as well as behaviors to become current organizational insiders and members(Bradt& Vonnegut, 2009). On-boarding encompasses five major steps;

  • Making a plan

The whole employee orientation procedure needs to be well planned and documented and is preferably done before the whole practical process. Planning helps to avoid inconveniencewhereby, for instance, an employee is bombarded with many manuals to read and many formsto signand then reordered into an empty office for an extensive period (Sims, 2011).

  • Management of the first day

As per the plan, an employee should have been contacted on what to bring, who to ask for on arrival and such things like where to park. The new employee’s accessories like the computer should be in place (Westwood, 2011). An arrangement to tour and meet all the team members should also be integrated in the day’s activities. It helps the employee doesn’t feel left out and maintains a working mind.

  • Getting to know the person

Every employee is different and may require an individualized level of attention. The best efforts to smoothen a seamless transition should be employed for both a team member and a new hire(Westwood, 2011). A manager should not only stress on plying new employees with instructions and information but should dwell more on discovering their new employees in regard to their goals, ideas and perceived roles.

  • Going the distance

It has more to do with the length of the on-boarding process. It mostly depends on the company and the position of the employee. However, it is advisable to extend the process over first three months of the employee’s tenure in the company (Westwood, 2011). It helps in attaching the employee to the company’s culture in a positive way.

  • Checking in weight them

It is beneficial for a new employee to be used in the company’s existing systems. As a new employee possesses previous experience, their feedback can help mend gaps and fix unclear sections. Such gaps when identified are anticipated and valuable in shaping the company anew and in a better way.

These features are most important in the on-bearding process. Preparations is a hallmark of operational leadership. Planning hence comes with a lot of weight in on-boarding.

Additionally, checking in with a new hire again comes with an opportunity to reshape and optimize considering the disclosed company’s vulnerabilities so as to improve performance throughout a multinational corporation or a smaller company.

On the same, onboarding should be review in every company in order to look into the firms practices and to evaluate the necessary changes.

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