

Culture and Symbols at Ford Motors

Organizational symbols can convey powerful meanings that represent underlying values, philosophies, meanings, and expectations within a company. They influence awareness of an organization’s expectations and, as such, captures meanings that integrate cognition, behavior, and emotion into shared codes. Symbols influence behavior through eliciting organizational values and norms, therefore, undergirds corporate culture. Notably, symbols are integral […]


How Communication Flows in a Department in My Current Organization

Companies with strong cultures have a strong flow of communication that moves in every direction. The four types of communication flows are Downward: communication flows from top management down to employees. Upward: communication flows from employees up to management. Lateral: communication flows between employees at the same level. Diagonal: communication flows across different work areas or organizational levels. Read


Top Three Trends in National Security Sector

Top Three Trends in the National Security Sector The National Security Sector is arguably one of the most important industries in the United States. It is, therefore, no wonder that changes and the introduction of new trends is archetypally witnessed here owing to an abrupt increase in the number of challenges facing the country. Code


President Obama had the Authority to Execute Operation Geronimo

Almost ten years after the killing of Osama bin Laden, Operation Geronimo still raises concerns regarding its legality. Firstly, there is the concern about if the operation violated Pakistan’s sovereignty per international law. The second concern involves the permissibility of targeted killing – that is, whether ‘kill’ as a default option was lawful. Lastly, if


Harms of Imprisonment With Reference to Australian ‘Prison Estate’

The Australian “prison estate” is archetypally represented in imprisonment as the foremost type of punishment espoused by the criminal justice system. However, imprisonment has been routinely been criticized as a counterproductive alternative which ultimately presents numerous harms a wide array of players. Imprisonment without a clear foundational practice to guide the correction of offender’s demeanour


Restorative Justice Conferencing is a ‘soft option’ with Limited Value in the Criminal Justice System

Restorative Justice Conferencing is an invaluable addition with a great deal of benefits to the criminal justice system in Victoria. As a comparatively ambitious undertaking, restorative justice is implemented as a direct response to key fundamentals identified by victims and society at large. Restorative justice introduces a fresh approach starkly different to traditional justice process


Why Operational Police Officers Should Reflect Demographic Diversity of the Communities in Which they Work

Diversity in law enforcement has recently been hailed for bolstering officer’s ability to communicate effectively with members of the public. Over the past decade, this has become an issue of great significance to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) as an equal opportunity establishment (Australian Federal Police 2016). A diverse police force, therefore improves the establishment’s


Aging Workforce, Current Global Trend That Might Impact General Motors

General Motor is an automotive company that focuses on designing, manufacturing, and selling cars and automotive parts. The company’s success is highly based on human resources skills, knowledge, creativity, and innovativeness. One of the company’s main competitive advantage is based on having great talents, with a high level of experience in automotive design and production.


Impact of Emerging Economies on International Trade

Over the past two decades, globalization has served as a hallmark of contemporary development and hailed for an increase in the number of emerging economies particularly in Eastern Europe, India, and China. They now compete closely with global giants such as the United States, Germany, Britain, and Japan making them one of the most remarkable

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