

Marine Biome and Coral Reefs Ecosystem

The aquatic biome entails habitats dominated by water and is the largest of all the world’s biomes, occupying approximately three-quarters of the earth’s surface area. Usually, this biome is subdivided into two categories, namely freshwater and marine. This paper explores the marine biome, which is characterized by the presence of saltwater and comprises all the […]


Early American Approach to Education and Today’s educational Challenges

America’s education system has a considerably complex and rich history. Since the colonial era, education has been at the center of the nation’s social progress. During the colonial period (1620-1770), education was the core of education. During the common school era (1770-1890), the education system’s primary focus was uniform education for all people regardless of


Traditional Family Importance to the Future of America

According to Dees (2014), one of the critical threats to life, as an inalienable right, is the loss of respect for the traditional family. A conventional family forms the basic social organization of any society, whereby it provides stability in a social, sexual, emotional, and intellectual way that no other can. Dees elucidates that it


Performance Indicators, Rewards and Incentives, and Motivating Employees

Leveraging Human Capital Develop a proposal discussing performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees. The proposal must include the following: An evaluation of the current employee status. Describe tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall performance on the job. Develop strategies to encourage employees. How will you reward them


Immigration Detention in Australia

Legal Status of Immigration Detention in Australia The Australian government has a clear policy of immigration detention for non-citizens without a valid visa, those suspected of having entered the country illegally, persons awaiting deportation, and in cases of visa violations. Immigration detention policy is implemented based on a sophisticated system of indefinite, unreviewable, non-transparent or


Personal Human Resource Philosophy

Definition of Human Resources and Its Mission Human resources refer to the people who lend their skills and talents to the organization. Any individual willing to trade their time, knowledge, or labor for compensation to help the company reach its set goals is a human resource (Nankervis, Baird, Coffey, & Shields, 2019). Therefore, it does


Appraisal Tools, Appraisal Interview and Performance Appraisal Practice

Performance appraisal is essential to employee development as highlighted by its three basic functions. Firstly, it provides adequate feedback regarding each employee’s performance. Secondly, it serves as a crucial practice for modifying behavior towards more effective working habits. Thirdly, it gathers data which organizations can use to facilitate employee development. Notably, appropriate appraisal tool and


Church and State, Formation of Laws, Public Policy, and Political Activity

Religion has consistently played a significant role in shaping and underpinning the United States, as demonstrated in the Pledge of Alliance to the Flag, specifically by the phrase “…one nation under God…” However, the appropriate relationship between the institutions of Church and State, especially in matters regarding the formation of laws, public policy, and political


Criminology Discussion Questions

A criminologist may use the analytical tool of link analysis. What is link analysis, and how is it utilized? Link analysis refers to a big data evaluation technique that helps criminologists analyze connections and relationships among people, places, organizations, transactions, et cetera.  In today’s digital age, a criminologist faces massive data problems and may become


Gonzales v. Raich – Case on Commerce Clause

Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005) The Commerce Clause is perhaps one of the most controversial provisions contained in the United States. It essentially affords latitude to the United States Congress to regulate crucial aspect of business with foreign states, among different jurisdictions in the country, and Native American tribes (Vile, 2018). The Commerce

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