

Code of Ethics – Salus Inc

Company Overview At Salus Inc., we provide nutritious food products to the healthy and budget-conscious clients. The success of the business entirely revolves around our ability to fulfil the needs of clients by serving hale and hearty meals, which have been prepared following both the traditional and modern cooking methods. The restaurant uses fresh vegetables


Resolving Ethical Dilemmas – Physician-Assisted Suicide

Introduction My ethical dilemma comes from a New York Times article written by Catherine Potter on May 25, 2017. According to the article, Mr. Shield, a 73-year-old man had been diagnosed with a hereditary form of amyloidosis. A rare, incurable disease caused by a build-up of an abnormal protein called amyloid in body tissues and


Effects of Foreign Interference in Iraq, Iranian Interests in Iraq and Nujaba Group’s Activities in the Middle East

Mindset of Iraq The Iraqi government is intent on curtailing the activities of the Iranian backed militant group Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba despite the group contributing significantly to the country’s victory over the Islamic State. This paper will explore the previous effects of foreign interference in Iraq, Iranian interests in Iraq and the Nujaba group’s


Facing Death Film Reflection

Introduction In the past, limited treatment options give patients, families, and medical professionals little leeway to decide on keeping patients alive or letting them die as the progression of the disease would almost always make this decision of them. Today, advancements in technological innovation have enhance the capabilities of modern medicine. An increased range of


Basic Biology of Cancerous Cells

Understanding the processes involved in the development, progression, and spread of cancer is essential in developing effective therapeutic interventions. This paper attempts to elucidate the processes involved in tumor progression and metastasis. This objective will be accomplished by examining the basic biology of cancerous cells and briefly delineating the processes involved in the metastatic cascade.


Article Summary – Friendship and Social Support: The Importance of Role Identity to Aging Adults

What population is the author trying to reach? In my opinion, the author seeks to target practitioners designing treatment for older adults. Social support has long been considered a predictor of satisfaction and well-being within the geriatric community. However, the specific psychosocial mechanisms through which social support enhances well-being have remained unexplored. Furthermore, the presence


Role of Social Workers in Promoting Psychosocial Health of Older Adults

Advances in medical technology have increased life expectancy rates for people around the world. Consequently, there has been a rise in the population of older of older adults and new concerns regarding the psychosocial wellbeing of the vulnerable subpopulation. Social workers play a pivotal role in ameliorating psychological distress among the elderly through individual, familial,


Ageism, Older Adults, Mental Illness

What is your opinion on ageism? Ageism is an insidious practice characterized by an ingrained negative perception of older people. It is shaped by explicit and implicit assumptions about the ageing process. Archaic stereotype characterize older adults as; senile, unproductive, old fashioned, sick, disabled, isolated, depressed, dependent, frail, lonely and rigid.  Contrary to these popular

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