

A Critical Evaluation of John Dunlop’s Industrial Relations

One of the most influential theories of industrial labor relations was the Industrial Relations Systems Theory posited by John Dunlop in the 1950s. Dunlop’s Industrial Relations Systems Theory suggests that during whatever stage of its development, industrial relations is made up of certain players, situations, ideologies and rules which govern the players within the work


Female Representation on Corporate Boardrooms Policy Paper

Introduction             The need for gender parity in various institutions within the corporate world is one of the major concerns in the current society. This is founded on the comprehension that women are underrepresented in corporate boardrooms (CBs), and such an understanding is advanced by the need for more representation of women in executive committees


The Black Panthers as a Subculture

The Black Panthers (BPP)were originally referred to as The Black Panther Party for self-defense. It was started in 1966 by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton (Ogbar 2014:1175). The major purpose of the party was to offer community vigilance against police brutality in black neighborhoods. Also, the party was involved with the advocacy for the


Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism from the Perspective of Invasive Species, Biological Threats, and Logic Behind Suicide Terrorism

Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) represent a group of weaponry that has the potential to kill a multitude of people within a very short time. Also, WMDs are known to have catastrophic effects that last for many years after an attack. WMDs include biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. Biological weapons include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and


Binge Drinking in the Military Epidemic

Introduction It is 2019, and you are in your living room following your favorite television series when suddenly the regular programming is interrupted. The news anchor apologizes for the interruption. It is a piece of breaking news. The conventional red BREAKING NEWS label flashes at the bottom of the screen. “…Police have reported a grisly

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