Cultural Competence vs Cultural Sensitivity used in Health Care Settings

Compare and contrast cultural competence and cultural sensitivity used in health care settings by professional staff. Provide one specific example each for cultural competence and cultural sensitivity that could be applied in your chosen advanced nursing role.

Cultural competence and cultural sensitivity are closely related approaches that have become popular within the healthcare system. The full-scale application of the aforementioned frameworks is part of a larger scheme by policymakers in the healthcare sector to create an all-inclusive system which takes the needs and requirements of all patients into account (Chesnay, 2020). Within the healthcare context, cultural competence refers to the capability of a healthcare provider to provide services that address the linguistic, social, and cultural needs of patients in their care.

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The primary objective of cultural competence is to guarantee the improvement of health outcomes within an organization while considerably lowering the rate of ethnic and racial disparities within the healthcare system. Cultural competence is a significant principle in healthcare as a practical solution particularly in lowering mortality and morbidity among racial minorities in the United States. Thus, cultural competence has emerged as a major approach to improving the quality of care and care outcomes while significantly reducing healthcare disparities. Culturally competent organizations recognize the importance of cross-cultural relations and its ability to service culturally unique needs (Kapoor & Griffith, 2015, p. 67).

Read also Cultural Competency for the Health Professional

On the other hand, cultural sensitivity comprises of a philosophy which is reliant upon the respects and dignity of patients when choosing the most appropriate intervention given their current state. It also incorporates specific skills and knowledge of protocol which go a long way in providing care services across cultural lines. Cultural sensitivity is crucial within the healthcare system particularly due to the fact that beliefs and opinions differ from one ethnic group to the next on how best to maintain their health (Norton & Marks-Maran, 2016). The main objective of cultural competence is to reduce incidences of bias towards racial and ethnic minorities while creating a clear channel of communication between healthcare providers and patients.

Read also Managing Diversity and Promoting Multi-Cultural Competency in Healthcare Workforce

As an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), cultural competence and cultural sensitivity will play a vital role in my future role as a clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Reliance on an interpreter will be invaluable when seeking to understand the specific needs of a patient before commencing treatment. Similarly, I will display cultural sensitivity by paying attention to my biases, being attentive to requests made, avoiding assumptions, and improving my knowledge of other cultures to provide personalized care.

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