

Breast Cancer – Detailed Research Paper

Introduction Breast cancer is among the most common causes of cancer among women and among the main cause of cancer related death in the world. Breast cancer is named after the organ where cancer originated, though it may spread to other parts of the body surrounding the breast. Breast cancer affects both men and women, […]


Google Experiences with People Analytics

This paper reviews Google experiences with people analytics. Basically, the concept of people analytics originated with Google at around 2007. By 2007, the company was hiring about 200 workers every week and by 2015, the company was already getting two million job applications to review before hiring on weekly basis. Google is said to give


Four Categories of Street Drugs and an Example of Each

The four main categories of street drugs include cannabinoids such as marijuana, opioids such as heroin, stimulants such as cocaine, and club drugs such methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (Center on Addiction, 2017). Marijuana is a form of cannabinoids which is used through smoking or swallowing. Its common street names include weed, ganja, bud joint or grass among


Circulatory Shock and Its Treatment

Circulation Shock Circulation shock refers to a clinical situation where a disparity of demand and supply of oxygen at cell level yields to cell function incipient failure and tissue hypoxia, resulting to distinctive signs and symptoms, of compensation at the start of shock and failure in the later stage. There are different types of circulatory


Cancer Threat to Liver Homeostasis and the Liver Cancer Mechanism

Liver cancer is among the most popular malignancies in the world, such that it is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the world. Liver cancer pathologically mainly involves intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The two kinds of liver cancers have comparable hepatic microenvironment though they might contain different tumor microenvironments


The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective – Descriptive Essay

Assignment Instructions You have been invited to submit an article to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Annual journal for this year. After doing research on environmental carcinogenesis, write a descriptive essay on the topic “The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective”.  The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective – Sample Essay Environment Carcinogenesis and


The Role of Infectious Agents in Oncogenesis

Assignment Instructions Write a paper on the role of infectious agents in oncogenesis. Use the below as your guideline. Introduction and history of infectious agents and oncogenesis-  Identify at least five (5) infectious agents that play a role in oncogenesis-    For each infectious agent, discuss the following; What cancer (s) is it associated with its development? What is(are) the oncogenic factor(s) in the infectious agent? What is(are) the mechanism(s) of oncogenesis-    What are your


Reasons Behind Failed States – Research Paper

The Reasons Underlying Failed States – Written Assignment Use the Internet to research one developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of the effects that issues such as bad governance, civil war and corruption have on the creation of states that have failed. Write a six- to eight-page paper in which you: Identify


Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care – Immunization in Developing Countries

Introduction Immunization in the developed countries has been recorded as a success. Diseases have been prevented through the administration of vaccines. For instance, in United States of America, diseases that were a threat in the early twentieth century have been eradicated through vaccines. An example is measles. However, in the developing countries, immunization is poorly

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