

Leveraging Generational Differences

Assignment Instructions With the onset of technology, some managers may experience role reversals when coaching and mentoring their younger subordinates. Simons (2010) addresses leveraging generational work styles to meet organizational goals. How can these same generational differences play a role in coaching and mentoring processes? Discuss the dynamics of a work environment in which generational […]


Addiction Scenario Involving a Minor – Child Abuse

Assignment Instructions Addiction to illegal substances and alcohol is a coping mechanism that many children use to deal with the intense and painful reality of child abuse/neglect. The cycles of addiction can be generational and very difficult to overcome. Create and describe an addiction scenario involving a minor and offer suggestions for which services you



Types of Leases and their Characteristics The five key categories of leases are synthetic, sale and leaseback, financial, combination, and operating. A synthetic lease gets formed when a party makes a special purpose entity that borrows and then buys a long-term asset and rents it back to the party.  The party warranties the special purpose


Accident Investigation Mistakes to Avoid

An effective accident investigation policy is key in any organization’s safety program (Shappell & Wiegmann, 1997 p.269-291). While it is essential to keep in mind some cautions, it is a reactive process and accident investigations must thus include even the tiniest of details for the prevention of further injury. The purpose of this paper is


Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

The History Indian Child Welfare Act The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a centralized law that requests to keep Indian kids with their families. This law was approved in 1978 after a large number of Indian kids were being taken out from their families by both individually owned agencies and the public agencies and


Call Provisions and Sinking Fund Provisions

What are call provisions and sinking fund provisions? Do these provisions make bonds more or less risky? Call provision refers to a fixed-income instrument or bond provision which permits the initial issuer to retire ad repurchase the bods. The call provision comes typically with a time window in which the calling of the bond can


Using Balanced Scorecard to Measure Organizational Performance

Assignment Instructions Purpose of Assignment  The purpose of this assignment is increase learners’ knowledge of ways to effectively use the balanced scorecard to measure organizational performance. What is a balanced scorecard? At its core, the balanced scorecard is a tool an organization can use to measure its performance. Unlike other tools that may focus just


Human Resource Management Annotated Bibliography

Beil-Hildebrand, M. B. (January 01, 2010). Re-Theorizing Human Resource Management and Human Resource Management in Context. In this article, Beil-Hildebrand focusses on the strategic human resource management, human capital management, high-performance management, and high commitment management themes under the broad HR department. The article particularly emphasizes on academic and managerial claims that concern HRM, along


Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Insurance Industry

Abstract Direct exposure to the epicenter of the financial crisis is probably one of the most substantially adverse challenges that the property, casualty, and life insurance companies have had to counter in the recent years. The crisis has impacted investment portfolios, manipulated the financial market valuations, and driven the outlook for activity downhill(Arner, 2009 p.91-136).

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