

Human Resource Management Terms

Taft-Hartley Act The Taft-Hartley Act which is also known as the Labour Management Relations Act of 1947 came about after there was a great number of large-scale strikes which had nearly disabled the steel, automobile, as well as the packaging industries. It is an amendment of the Wagner Act and was designed so as to


Obama Care And Affordable Care Act

What is Obama Care ? The concept behind Obama Care was an individual mandate to couple with subsidies for private insurance. The concept was first put forth by The Heritage Foundation, a politically conservative think tank. Their idea was that this was an acceptable alternative to the single-payer initiative, “Medicare for All,” being proposed by the


Want To Know More About Affordable Care Act – Must Read Resources

Must Read Medicaid.  (n.d.). Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from <> This sit gives an overview of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It gives more information specific aspects addressed by the ACA policy including the kind of reforms it brings, and its influence in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The site gives information on


Enterprise Systems, How it Works and Its Uses

What is an Enterprise System? Enterprise systems (ES) are referred to as large-scale application software packages which reinforce business processes, reporting, information inflows, as well as data analytics within the complex organizations. Whereas ES are generally packaged enterprise application software (PEAS) systems, they are considered as bespoke, custom advanced systems established to support particular organizational


Have Modern Presidents Exceeded their Constitutionally Granted Powers – Donald Trump

For decades, both Republicans and Democrats have expressed worry about the increase of presidential powers, some of which Congress has relinquished out of political necessity and much of which the White House has interpreted constitutionally ambiguous areas to justify its own power grabs. According to Pazzanese (2020), since Richard Nixon, leaders have primarily remained in


The Development of the Two Party System in the US

The two major political parties in the U.S. today, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, did not exist at the time the Constitution was drafted and ratified. Various issues led to the development of these political parties, some of which are pertinent to politics, even today. In this assignment, you will examine the development


Types of Local Governments and the Most Effective and Why

Types of Local Governments There are different forms of local governments that a region can adopt to enhance its general operations. These forms of governance differ based on the approach given to the management of the government operation. This paper focuses on differentiating different forms of local government, proposing the best form of government that


Recent Information Technology Failure In a Healthcare Organization

Healthcare Information Governance Assignment Instructions Research health care organizations / providers that have recently had a significant information technology failure, and complete this assignment. Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you: Determine the key factors contributing to the failure in question. Next, analyze how the failure impacted both the organization’s operations

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