

USA Patriotic Act Analysis

USA Patriotic Act The law to be considered in this case is the USA Patriotic Act which was enacted in 26th of October 2001.USA Patriotic Act is a congress act which was developed to correct the five failures or weakness perceived after the 9/11 attack in the US. The law was enacted to strengthen and


Women’s Roles in Science – Research Paper

From medieval times, women have played considerable scientific roles. Diverse historians with research interests in science along with gender focus on women’s scientific attainments and endeavors. As well, the historians concentrate on the challenges faced by women in pursuing the endeavors. The sociological, critical, as well as historical, consideration of the challenges is now an


Role of Nurse Practitioner while caring for Patients with Chronic Illness

A nurse practitioner is a specialized advanced practice registered nurse (Norful, de Jacq Carlino, & Poghosyan, 2018). These nurses are relatively more learned and experienced than the normal nurses. They are equipped with better skills, knowledge, mental strength and expertise that allow them to offer better services to patients with chronic illnesses. They teach patients


WhatsApp – Social Media App Analysis

In the social media context, WhatsApp was founded relatively late, in 2009, by Brian Acton and Jan Koum. It has since rapidly grown and has become very popular, with over two billion active users currently. After the beta stage of the application, it was first exclusively launched on the iPhone App Store in November 2009,


Remote Patient Monitoring – Technologies Supporting Applied Practice and Optimal Patient Outcomes

Healthcare Information Technology Trends The healthcare sector has, over the past two decade, witnessed a gradual surge in the integration and implementation of technological innovations in practice. Today, developments of this kind are commonplace within standard nurse practice environments. They are embraced with the main aim of improving conditions for healthcare providers; often anticipated to


Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies – Annotated Bibliography

Overview The recent wide scale adoption of Clinical information systems (CIS) is considered a ground-breaking development in healthcare with far-reaching long-term implications. CIS technology was originally intended for use in critical care environments and based on the collection, recording, and analysis patient’s electronic healthcare data within a dedicated computer system According to Islam et al.,

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