

Anchoring and Overconfidence Biases

Research has demonstrated that humans are susceptible to bias and are generally overconfident in their opinions, impressions, and judgments. Two common biases that plague decision-making are anchoring and overconfidence biases. Overconfidence bias is characterized by a tendency to be over-optimistic about one’s abilities while anchoring bias refers to reliance on initial pieces of information to […]


Cultural Bias in Violence Risk Assessment – Article Summary

Traditionally, violence risk assessment tools are applied to evaluate if individuals are likely to participate in dangerous behavior in the near future. The validity of such assessment tools relies on historical and current risk factors, along with personality traits of an individual. Nevertheless, common assessment tools do no account for cultural factors. In their article


Application of Leveraged Recapitalization in Sealed Air Corporation

Sealed Air had a long tradition of placing focus on marketing rather than manufacturing because there were relatively fewer competitors. Nevertheless, in the 1980s, the company could no longer sustain profitability with its market-oriented strategy. The number of competitors in the market finally increased, and patents became important in business success. Sealed Air retaliated by


Technology and Robbins’s Organizational Model

Robbin’s organizational model portrays the organization as a product of three components namely complexity, formalization, and centralization (Pertusa-Ortega, Zaragoza-Sáez, & Claver-Cortés, 2010). Complexity is the degree to which the organization differentiates its operations. Most organizations differentiate operations horizontally, vertically, or spatially. Formalization refers to the level of job specialization. The magnitude of formalization varies with


Evolving Notions of Gender and Sexuality

The issue of Gender and sexuality is a sensitive and controversial topic that spurs different ideas and reactions from society. Gender is often defined by human biology, an aspect that the current age or modern era debates about. There is a wide array of views and attitudes towards the evolving notions of gender and sexuality


Creating a Podcast Project – Reflection

Many people agree that podcasting is the right tool for freeing listeners from the shackles of schedules and monotony that are normally the order of the day. They also agree that it is a perfect way of reaching out to an audience that often misses out on quality broadcasts, either on the radio or on


Shylock as a Tragic Hero in The Merchant of Venice

The elements of Shakespearean tragedy have proved to be a difficult subject for many literary analysts in the course of time. The most widely accepted view is that Shakespeare may have used Aristotle’s model of tragedy. However, various viewpoints have confronted this position by citing various inconsistencies. This paper seeks to demystify this premise by


Ethical Issues in the selling of Human Organs

Organ transplanting is currently one of the most effective advances in the medical field. The procedure provides a way to save and prolong the lives of patients suffering from organ failures. However, in the recent past, the issue of ethics and morality involved in the process have raised numerous questions on the rightness or wrongness

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