

Decisions Made By Multinational Companies in the Diverse Cultural Setting

Introduction             The competitive advantage of every multinational company is determined with their ability to coordinate information and critical resources that spread across numerous geographical locations. However, the world population is diverse and it is increasingly getting hard to find a homogenous society (Matsumoto 1995). A homogenous society is the one most of its individuals […]


Assessing Potential Risk of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, And Tsunamis

Earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis are natural disaster that can be catastrophic when it occurs in densely populated areas. These natural disasters is assessed through monitoring of magnitude and scale of inherent vulnerability within the population. Analysis indicates that hydro-meteorological and geological disasters such as tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes contributes to the higher percentage of disasters


Appropriate Strategies for Administering the Quality Improvement and Risk-Management Processes within a Healthcare Delivery System

Introduction             This paper discusses appropriate strategies for administering the quality improvement and risk-management processes within a healthcare delivery system. According to Esain and Williams (2012)., risk management and quality processes complement each other in such a way that they provide a platform for considering all activities in the health care delivery system, the way


Role of Multinational Enterprises from the Asia Pacific in the Global Economy

Introduction The spectacle of the ever fast-growing business enterprises of multinational corporations globally has attracted considerable interest in appreciating its implications for the development of the world economy and the relationships among national economies. The escalating prominence of multinational corporations in the current global economy has been of significant interest not only to national government


The Effectiveness of Australian National and Corporate Regulation

The Effectiveness of Australian National and Corporate Regulation: Evaluating the Constitutional Impediments and Commonwealth-State Rivalry There is a wide spectrum of areas in which corporate bearing may be in contravention with the law including company and security offenses, restrictive trade practices, consumer affairs, taxation, occupational safety and health, economic offenses against employees, discriminatory practices as


Variance Analysis of Labor and Material Costs

Introduction Labor and material variances are instrumental in comparing the budgeted amount of labor and material utilized and the actual amount of labor and material utilized. This comparison is useful to management in determining whether there is a favorable or unfavorable variance which in turn aids them in initiating appropriate changes in their budgets and


Index Crimes Comparison – Evaluating Rates of Homicide, Robbery and Rape in United States, Canada and Germany for 2012

Introduction There are eight major classifications of crime identifies by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which are collected as part of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. These categories are referred to as index crimes. The categories are subdivided into two major subcategories namely; violent and property crime. Violent index crimes are index crimes committed

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