

Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Strategies

Teenage pregnancy is one of the major social problems in the United States. According to statistics, there were 229715 infants born of teenage mothers; 15-19 years, in 2015 in the United States. This implies that about 229715 teenage girls’ life took a drastic turn from normal learning activity to motherhood. This results to substantial economic


Company With Best Innovation – Amazon

AMAZON.COM – Innovation Audit             Innovation audit is the inspection of an organization’s innovation capabilities with the aim of discovering exact strengths and weaknesses of innovation processes and practices, as well as determining the best way of improving performance. This document presents innovation audit for It begins by describing organizational background and history. The


BEM 4351 – Environmental Technology Unit 3 Questions Answered

Explain what a point source is in regards to water pollution. Point source pollution refers to any particular identifiable pollution source from which pollutants are discharged. Point source discharges pollutants from distinct conveyances. Point source can include factory or ship smokestack, ditch or pipe.   Discuss the roles of pathogenic organisms, inorganic chemicals, and sediment in


The Molecular Basis of Cancer

Introduction Cancer refers to a group of diseases typified by unregulated growth of cell and the spread and invasion of cells from the primary site or site of origin to other parts of the body. Cancer development involves a multistep process which needs the multiple genetic mutations accumulation in a single cell which presents neoplastic


Breast Cancer – Detailed Research Paper

Introduction Breast cancer is among the most common causes of cancer among women and among the main cause of cancer related death in the world. Breast cancer is named after the organ where cancer originated, though it may spread to other parts of the body surrounding the breast. Breast cancer affects both men and women,


Google Experiences with People Analytics

This paper reviews Google experiences with people analytics. Basically, the concept of people analytics originated with Google at around 2007. By 2007, the company was hiring about 200 workers every week and by 2015, the company was already getting two million job applications to review before hiring on weekly basis. Google is said to give


Four Categories of Street Drugs and an Example of Each

The four main categories of street drugs include cannabinoids such as marijuana, opioids such as heroin, stimulants such as cocaine, and club drugs such methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) (Center on Addiction, 2017). Marijuana is a form of cannabinoids which is used through smoking or swallowing. Its common street names include weed, ganja, bud joint or grass among


Circulatory Shock and Its Treatment

Circulation Shock Circulation shock refers to a clinical situation where a disparity of demand and supply of oxygen at cell level yields to cell function incipient failure and tissue hypoxia, resulting to distinctive signs and symptoms, of compensation at the start of shock and failure in the later stage. There are different types of circulatory


Cancer Threat to Liver Homeostasis and the Liver Cancer Mechanism

Liver cancer is among the most popular malignancies in the world, such that it is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the world. Liver cancer pathologically mainly involves intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The two kinds of liver cancers have comparable hepatic microenvironment though they might contain different tumor microenvironments

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