Central Ides of Deuteronomy Discussion Using Isaiah 6:4

Using Isaiah 6:4 discuss the two central ides of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 6.4 covers a major command of worship. The Israelites in this instance are required to worship only God and serve him alone (Hundley, 2009). They are not to worship any other gods. The verse calls the Israelites to serve the Lord wherever they are and that other things to serve other Gods should not draw them away. The verse speaks of God being one while at the same time He is three persons. That is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The verse recognizes the trinity of God. The three persons work in unity just as in creation where God says “let Us” in creating man. He uses the pluralistic form though at the same time being one. The verse speaks of God, as being the center of all things in that God is overall of all other things. He is one and he cannot be compared to any other gods. The verse about the Israelites gives them the identify as being God’s people in that they are not to serve other God’s but God. Reverence and obedience in this case are emphasized in that the sovereignty of God over the nation of Israel is stated at the first. Therefore, the various laws given to the people are to be obeyed because they are God’s people and have to live in a way that pleases God. Consequences are laid out in their various laws because they are God’s people and any disobedience on their part brings wrath and recompense. Obligation of the Israelites to God is further emphasized in that they are God’s chosen people and therefore they are to follow in his guidance and instruction so that they may prosper. As such, one vital ideal from Deuteronomy is the relationship the people of Israel have with God.

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