Creativity, Intrapreneurship and Innovation Concepts In An Organization

The terms creativity, intrapreneurship, as well as innovation, have closely related meanings. The three utilize inductive logic and divergent thinking, building unusual and new items from varied elements. Creativity results in new items, innovations, plans, or ideas. Intrapreneurs need the ability to come up with new items, innovations, plans, or ideas to remain ahead of the competition. While creativity is the mental capability of conceptualizing, or imagining, new, unique or odd ideas, innovation is the transformation of the new, unique or odd ideas into tangible processes, services, or products of improved value according to Morris, Kuratko and Covin (2011).

Notably, the transformation impacts on status quos radically or evolutionarily, a purpose served by intrapreneurship. Intrapreneurship entails the challenging of specified status quos to enhance given systems or processes internally. Creativity is important in the development of innovative organisations. Effectual processes are required in transforming creative ideas, or thoughts, into practical applications with enhanced value. Such processes are required to ensure that creativity has commercial value.

Organisations may be averse to creativity, intrapreneurship, as well as innovation, owing to their having processes for electing strategic development schemes, or initiatives (Morris, Kuratko & Covin, 2011). The processes mean that the products of creativity, intrapreneurship as well as innovation processes are first compared to related products before being taken up or accepted.

There are various ethical considerations that color the creativity, intrapreneurship as well as innovation processes. First, ideally, the processes should be humanistic, solving given problems via human intrapreneurialism, imagination, and ingenuity. Second, ideally, the processes should be non-hierarchical, allowing for the inflow of ideas from numerous varied sources and development of agile and small teams charged with the testing and iteration on the ideas with feedback from users.

Innovation processes are likely to register the highest success in the initial, or early, phase of the lifecycle of given organisations. That is because it is the processes that lead to the development of new ideas, services, operating systems, goods, and production systems to meet specific client needs. Creativity processes are likely to register the highest success in the growth stage of the lifecycle of given organisations. That is because the processes entail taking ideas beyond the extant belief, knowledge, technology, or social norm limits. As well, the processes may entail the combining, as well as synthesizing, of new things.


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