Driverless Versus Traditionally Driven Cars – Comparison Essay

Assignment Instructions

Write a paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing.

Driverless Versus Traditionally Driven Cars – Sample Compare and Contrast Essay

The automotive industry has over the years been popular for its application of nascent technology to improve the quality of car models produced. Out of all known contemporary innovations, none is as striking as driverless cars. In essence, these autonomous cars have the ability to take over control from human drivers and in other cases act as a self-driving automobile. These cars were essentially fodder for science-fiction, but now there is a high likelihood that the car you might be honking at during traffic might be an actual robotic prototype.  Scientists have painstakingly worked to equip these cars with technology that essentially allows them to sense their environment using computer vision or, in other cases, an elaborate Global Positioning System (GPS) (Anderson et al., 2016, p. 78). These drastic changes are miles apart from what traditionally driven cars and have been a source of major concern for experts in this field. Companies such as UberX, Rolls-Royce, and Tesla are on the frontline in ensuring that they perfect this new art. The purpose of this essay is therefore to provide a concise comparison between driverless and traditionally driven cars with research material from various published manuscripts.

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Driverless cars use a combination of state of the art technology that succeeds at improving its efficiency two-fold. Technology such as lidar and computer vision are used specifically to ensure that the car is able to perceive its environment while being able to navigate swiftly while avoiding any obstacles that may present themselves during its course. In addition to this, they are equipped with a digital map, updated by the hour and allowing the vehicle to cruise in unchartered territories. An advantage of this technology is the accuracy with which it executes its commands leaving little opportunity for miscalculations (In Meyer, In Beiker, & SpringerLink (Online service), 2014). On the other hand, traditionally driven cars depend on a rudimentary mechanical process relying on human beings as sole drivers. They depend on human beings for them to function and cannot carry any action independently. One disadvantage of this state of affairs is that the cars become prone to driver errors that may lead to tragic accidents. In this case, the safety of the passengers depends on the accuracy and temperament of the driver in question, with a lapse in judgment capable of costing them dearly.

The hallmark of driverless cars is the endless opportunities it provides to its users. Without the need for a driver, these cars can be fashioned to create mini-leisure rooms. Those using them have an opportunity to interact with each other in a manner that is more personal, which goes a long way in improving relationships. Entertainment is also an important aspect of any luxury vehicle with driverless cars being at the forefront of using this technology. It can, therefore, be instituted without having to worry about it being a distraction to the drivers. Furthermore, persons who previously faced hurdles regarding getting a driver’s license can now enjoy a ride with autonomous vehicles. Such individuals include young children, the elderly and the disabled who, for a plethora of reasons, are not allowed to drive. On the flipside, traditionally driven cars are specifically manufactured as a conduit for ferrying people from one point to the next (Maurer, Gerdes, Lenz, & Winner, 2016). Those who find themselves in such cars have to grapple with the conditions being experienced at that particular moment without paying any regard to comfort. These cars, therefore, differ in the experience that they provide to those boarding them especially when the general comfort of its passengers is at stake.

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In finality, there is no doubt that driverless car technology presents a paradigm shift that is starkly dissimilar from that which had been present in traditionally driven cars. With these changes, driverless cars now can be agiler in their movements avoiding cases of common errors committed by drivers. Those using these newly improved cars also get to experience interactions that are personal which was rarely the case with traditionally driven cars. Nonetheless, people across the globe still have to ensure that this technology is monitored to avoid cases of remote system hacks that may lead to sheer distraction.

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