Effective Crime Control Policies – Full Employment Program for Young People

The rising crime rates in the society call for implementation of policies that will promote crime reduction. There is a very complex relationship between crime and unemployment. A policy that might be effective in reducing crime is a full employment program for young people. A great percentage of criminals are youths aged below 25 years. According to Etzioni (2002), more than 50 percent of all arrested persons are people aged below 25 years. In addition, of all robbers arrested, more than 75 percent of them are less than 25 years old. This high rate of crime among the youths is associated with high rate of unemployment. Unemployment rates among the youths are still high even in the urban areas, and this is likely to result into an increase in the number of offenders. A policy that supports full employment for the young people will therefore be effective in reducing crime because it will keep the youths committed at all times. Committed youths will have no time to spend in planning criminal activities. In addition, employed youths will be able to acquire basic needs and they will not have to steal or engage in acts of robbery in order to survive (Etzioni, 2002).

A policy that supports full employment for the young people will be effective in reducing a number of crimes committed by the unemployed youths. Crimes that are commonly committed by unemployed youths include robbery, rape, murder, theft, and burglary. Therefore, a program for full employment will be effective in reducing crimes committed by robbers, rapists, murderers, and thieves. In addition, the rate of burglary committed by youths will reduce if a policy that supports full employment for the young people is implemented (Etzioni, 2002).

A full employment program for young people will have a positive impact on positive social change. Social change occurs when there is great need to solve a particular social problem. In this case, the rates of crime committed by young people will reduce if a full employment program for the youths is implemented. In order to achieve full employment for the youths, the government and policymakers must make decisions that support the demand for labor as well as growth of purchasing power (Green et al,. 2014). Consequently, there will be more money circulating in the economy than when majority of the youths are not employed. This will prevent the youths from engaging in criminal activities such as robbery, theft, and burglary.

Additionally, a policy that supports full employment for the young people will change the approach that the government and policymakers have always taken towards unemployment (Quiggin, 1993). In order to effectively implement a policy that supports full employment for the young people, there will be great need for extensive job training and education. For instance, numerous programs that provide basic education and vocational training must be started in high unemployment communities. A policy that supports full employment for young people may not bring about a positive impact to social change. This is because some youths prefer criminal activities to legitimate work because they tend to receive more money when they engage in acts of robbery than when they stay in employment (Quiggin, 1993). One thing that the society needs to understand is that, a policy that promotes full employment for young people will not eliminate all crimes committed by the youths but only reduce them.

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