Employee Stress Levels Management By Managers

Stress management is critical to success, especially in the modern business environment where stress dynamics are apparent. In the organizational domain, stress arises from a range of factors, including unsatisfactory management, poor job design, and lack of employee support. Hence, managers must address these three aspects in their stress management strategies.

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            In essence, stress affects employee morale and engagement levels. Workers who are experiencing high levels of stress are likely to show diminished engagement and commitment to job tasks. They may also display deteriorating communication and teamwork skills. Stress eventually leads to low individual performance and, subsequently, poor overall team performance (Cooper, 2018). The underlying presumption is that stress results in memory impairment which impedes effective decision-making.

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            Situations requiring disciplinary action to be taken against employees in an effort to improve performance can result in an opposite effect where individual employees become psychologically burdened by the workplace. Poorer performance may be observed where employees face suspension and termination. In worst case scenarios, absenteeism and reduced efficiency and product can become evident, reducing the performance of the entire organization in the long run.    

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In sum, employee under stress are less inclined to channel energy into productive tasks since much of their attention shifts to underlying factors of stress such as poor work design and systems. Managers are tasked with diminishing the hazardous effects of organizational stress; this involves interactive communication with employees (Holton, Barry, & Chaney, 2016).  To manage stress effectively and increase workforce productivity, managers should explore the following areas: workload and pace, interpersonal relationships, individual job content, career development and pay, working hours, organizational culture, employee control in job processes, organizational roles, and work-home relationships.

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