
How To Ensure That Home Country Staff Are Effectively Deployed

Advise the board on how the companies Human Resource Management (HRM) strategies should be developed to ensure that home country staff can be effectively deployed in the selected region.The selected regions were Argentina, Chile and Mexico. Argentina being the main country.

With the increasing rates of globalization, the company now needs to update its human resource practices accordingly in order to ensure that home country staff can be effectively deployed in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico. New human resource strategies must now be developed to ensure effective people management in these regions. Many of the traditional strategies for managing uniform teams and culturally uniform employees are now considered unnecessary (Alnaqbi 2011). This paper highlights the developments that should be done to the Human Resource Management strategies of this company as moves towards effective deployment of home country staff in Argentina, Chile, and Mexico.

Rapid demographic changes in the workforce will require the human resource department to formulate new strategies for recruiting and retaining a diverse group of employees. The company should begin to adapt to a new strain of employees for effective deployment of home country staff to Argentina, Chile, and Mexico. Again, the company needs to understand that Argentina, Chile, and Mexico do not use a standard educational system and workers’ qualification strategy. Human resource managers must learn to understand these variations in order to make more informed choices when deploying home country staff to these regions (Alnaqbi 2011).

The company should train its staff to learn the culture of Argentina, Chile, and Mexico as far as customer expectations, national values, compensation, benefits policies, and national language are concerned. For instance, the company must design new strategies to assist the company’s staff to learn Spanish which is the official language of the three countries. Argentina, Chile, and Mexico are examples of countries that highly embrace the use of technology in operations. The company must therefore train its workers on technological advancements in the contemporary world, and how to become creative and innovative (Alnaqbi 2011).

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