Executive Summary – Mobile Phones Marketing Mode Proposal

In any corporation, marketing is the most vital process. The process of marketing both domestically and internationally can be very expensive sometimes as it requires a large number of qualified employees who can be able to reach a good number of individuals and market (Christensen, 1997). However, this has raised concern in most corporations including our corporation. Due to this, am proposing mobile phones marketing mode. My project will require the come to come up with an attractive short messages relating to the various products that the corporation wants to market. The short messages should get written in different languages depending on the target population. The corporation manager should work together with the communication corporation of the targeted population to gain as many mobile numbers as possible.

Since our target population is from China, the marketing manager should work together with the China communication sector so that they can obtain the numbers to send messages to. The messages should then be written in Chinese since that the language understood there. The message should be very attractive written in Chinese and easy to comprehend. It should short and precise to give enough information about the product being marketed. If possible, a photo of the product can be attached to the message so that the customers can be able to trace it in the market. Mostly this project is targeting individuals in China who does not have time to watch television and adverts of the products marketed through televisions. Additionally, not all people in China can possess a television but most of them possess a phone.

My project has great benefits to the corporation especially in cutting the labor and training cost. Marketing a product requires the corporation to incur a lot of costs which they are not always sure whether they will cover up. However, this is because the corporation requires hiring highly qualified marketing individuals train them the culture and language of the individuals they are marketing the product to. My project requires at least three employees; one who understand the Chinese language to come with that persuading message about the product in Chinese language. The other two employees get meant for compiling the mobile numbers in the computer and sending the massive messages to the people. Since the cost of sending one message is not much, the company will use very little to reach a large number of people.

Additionally, my project is very fast and easy to carry out. However, this is because thousands of messages can get forwarded within a short period and reaches a good number of individuals. And of the tasks are not demanding the three individuals can be able to reach the majority of Chinese in a span of very few days. However, this will help the company market it products in China without employing marketing experts to move all the way to China and create awareness of the products.

My project is not expensive as the only things that it requires are two computers, three employees, and support from the management. The cost of the project I feel that it is not expensive compared to its speed and cost saving. The cost of hiring individuals to go and do marketing in China would have been very high since the individuals would require accommodation, food, and salary while in China. Additionally, if my project get blended with television advertisements, it can have a great effect on marketing. However, this would help create awareness of the products to get marketed in China within a short period. When the products get known in the market, sales increases and, therefore, the income also increases. Since the cost of marketing will be very low, the net profit of the products will be very high.

The bases at which my project will get evaluated will be the availability of the numbers of the targeted population, and individuals who are familiar with Chinese language both writing and speaking. The availability of these numbers and individuals will illustrate a great success in my project. However, lack of these mobile numbers and individuals will mean that my project will not be a success. Additionally, if the management get convinced with my project, it means that my project will proceed to the implementation level. However, if the management does not get convinced it will mean that my project will get terminated prematurely.

I believe that my project will be accepted by the management because its benefits outweigh its weaknesses. My project is capable of reducing labor cost as well the time required to market a product internationally. Moreover, if implemented well, the corporation can be able to apply the same strategy in marketing their products in other countries apart from China since it is fast and time-saving. Although, when using my projected the corporation cannot be able to know the number of people who read the messages sent, I believe that once I present this project to management they will buy the idea. I, therefore, propose my project to the company management so that they can be able to minimize the cost of labor in the marketing sector and cost.




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