Importance of Teams in the Organization


The management of organizations in future will take a different turn, and therefore companies should brace themselves for the values changes that will be held. Few people in management can do some of the functions done by various managers. The workforce is an essential part of an organization that helps its meet its goals. The success of a company depends on the structure of the workforce. It is crucial that employees in the organization understand the goals of the company and as a manager I will ensure that the workforce does it part of the organization to meet its objectives (Mullins, 2011).

Hiring of the workforce will be on a competitive basis where various candidates will be passed through document scrutinizes, interviews, aptitude tests, and the final orientation. The interviews will be conducted after the shortlisting of candidates from the application documents received by the company. The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and gauged on their presentation, and those who succeed will proceed to the test level where they will be given tests that will assess them on their intelligence. The successful candidates will be passed through orientation and afterward absorbed into the company. They will then be taught on how to manage themselves in the workplace without much supervision. Therefore, they will have to maintain discipline in their work environments to enable a smooth working environment.

The various employees will be absorbed into various teams of which and each team will have to choose their leaders who will monitor the activities of the teams. Effective management is critical in successful meeting the objectives of a company (Gilmore & Williams, 2009). Teamwork enables people to share ideas without fear since they are among their peers. Teamwork reduces the time it would take to do an individual activity as people share ideas and come up with a faster of dealing with a certain situation. As such, time will be used effectively to do additional activities that will help the company towards achieving the goals it has set. As such, people will be more open-minded as a result due to the autonomy they are given to come up with various solutions. Every team leader will be answerable to me on the progress of the teams twice a week.

For teams to work better, they need motivation. Various groups will be assessed according to their performance and given bonuses or according to their performance. Each will be given a medical and house allowance. Other benefits will be provided according to the best performing team. This will encourage competition among the teams and ensure that they compete to ensure that the company achieves its goals. The salary packages of the employees will follow the guidelines in the law and to some extent added accordingly over time according to the success of the company. The packages will be a bit at par with other companies to discourage workers moving to other firms. Weekly meeting will be held to speak about work and the various improvements and problems that may have arisen. Therefore, the company, in meeting the needs of the workforce requires the reciprocation of the workers in performing to their best.

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