Margaret Mead and Elise Boulding Contributions to Social Science

The Major Theoretical Position Of Elise Boulding And Margaret Mead

Margaret Mead and Elise Boulding were the first Americans to devote themselves to American sociology. American social anthropologist Margaret Mead participated in public communications as frequently as feasible throughout the 1960s and 1970s (Murray et al., 2018). Humanist Elise Boulding produced some outstanding works on peace research. Both Boulding and Mead felt the need to transform society in unique ways; thus, they chose to work in traditionally male-dominated fields to achieve their goals. Margaret Mead focused on individuals, their beginnings, and their connections. She expanded the study of identity and society and significantly influenced how the concept of community was introduced in the fields of medicine, education, and open discourse. She completed practical work in Samoa after completing her schooling. She focused on the life of the young women, even learning their regional dialect. She served as an assistant caretaker of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History after her practical work there. The study of categorizing humanity into races is called ethnology. She wanted Americans to understand social humanities like they understood paleontology. Elise Boulding has been cited as the leading female figure in the advancement of peace studies in the 20th century.

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On the other hand, Boulding showed interest in and played a significant role in research on the events of peace, women’s studies, and destinies. Before starting her academic career, she was a peace activist and renegade. Theoretical work on families and societal change was influenced by it. She also focused on the role that women played in promoting peace.

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How The Scientist’s Theoretical Position Altered Or Changed The Way Social Scientists View Culture

Any social-exploratory hypothesis, regardless of its theoretical genesis, must account for change since it is a transparent component of social reality. Meanwhile, it is important to recognize that the historical context of thought has greatly varied in the ways social change has stood out. Additionally, the beginnings of progress appear to have represented the real. In the eighteenth century, the burgeoning discipline of social and social human sciences was also dominated by evolutionary ideas. Burnett Taylor, an anthropologist, and Lewis Henry Morgan categorized modern social structures using a transformative scale. Modernization is the growth of personal adaptability and independence. Social norms become weaker when society develops, becomes more generic, and loses its sense of tradition and community. As a result, people become freer to act independently and think for themselves. Even so, most of us would applaud this increase in personal adaptability and categorize people according to their levels of creativity or sources of subsistence. Many regarded her as the fascinating sociology researcher of the 20th century. Some experts disagreed, claiming that her research was not exploratory. Culture as a whole, not necessarily the specific tribal practice held up (Giddens & Duneier, 2017). It requires explanation. It convinced people that those cultural wonders weren’t the result of quirky creativity or just plain luck but rather determined by necessary prerequisites and the possible consequences of meeting them. This realistic notion was believed to depict separation and assortment and the standard measure in the assortment. The current volume represents his last carefully regulated expansion of the idea that they claimed she relied much on local lore and perception. They claimed she didn’t put enough effort into corresponding studies. They believed her renown resulted equally from her dazzling persona and research; this belief also impacted his youthful assistant. Margaret Mead suggested that research be done on the Pacific island of Samoa. Mr. Boas feared about her welfare. Whatever the case, he let her leave. He advised her to research the upbringing of young Samoan women.

The Major Factors And Impetus That Led The Sociologists To Conduct The Research In The Manner In Which They Did

 Recent turmoil, dominance, and the progress of natural science all contributed to the rise of humanism. It is the study of human society as a whole and how people interact with each other. When European social observers began to analyze using experimental methods in the mid-nineteenth century, it emerged as a particular control. Sociologists investigate societal norms and how they change over time, including their economic, religious, political, and legal systems. In Europe, the Industrial Revolution marked a major shift in social and political norms. According to Giddens & Duneier (2017), many English farmers were forced to relocate to cities because landowners were taking over their land for active farming structures. People in urban areas developed innovative ideas on the majority rule system and political rights. The future political uprising had its roots in the emergence of concepts like the single right to life, the pursuit of happiness, and the fight for freedom. Dominance was the second factor that spurred the development of human science. As Europe conquered many parts of the world, it exposed Europeans to various cultures. As a result of their shock at the wide range of lives, they began to ponder the reasons for these societal shifts. In the end, the accomplishments of the natural sciences stimulated people to examine critical elements of their social environment. It marks the beginning of an experimental technique for thinking about human behavior. Outside variables had been obliterated by the “Spirit of Laws” in human social institutions. Saint Simon, a 19th-century French researcher, sought to establish a new science that would examine social life in the exact way material science explores the physical universe.

Whatever the case, the emergence of humanism can be traced back to some developments in the 18th and 19th centuries, most notably the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. Events like this, which brought together people of two distinct ages, altered the course of human history. Sociologists can use the scientific method to collect, decode, and break down data. They go into the process with an open mind and the purpose to learn as much as possible (Giddens & Duneier, 2017). They’re preoccupied but disconnected from the results. There are no political or societal biases that influence their investigation job. Not all scientists are fundamentalists. They also have their personalities, with their tendencies and presumptions. Sociologists intentionally use the investigative technique to maintain objectivity, center, and consistency as possible in a certain study.

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