New Technology Requirements for the Health Care Industry and Their Implementation

Assignment 1 Instructions: Technology Assessment

  1. Identify and analyze what you believe to be the most significant new technology requirements for the health care industry. Indicate how providers should approach the implementation of this new technology requirement that you have identified. Provide support for the response.
  2. Analyze the basic technology underlying health care information systems. Argue that the need for technological innovation and / or modification is most pressing. Support the argument with examples.
  3. Recommend an innovation / modification, and explain how the recommendation could improve the overall level of health care in your own community. Include specific example(s) using local hospitals or other health care providers to support the response.
  4. Suggest a key action that senior health care leadership could take in the community in which you live to push the boundaries of information technology management. Next, speculate on the effect to the community as a result of the improvement to the health care technology.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

New Technology Requirements for the Health Care Industry and Their Implementation – Sample Paper

This paper discusses the most significant new technology requirements for the health care industry and the manner in which providers should approach implementation of these requirements. Furthermore, the paper will present an analysis of the basic technology underlying health care information systems. The introduction of high technology therapeutic and diagnostic equipment has caused a revolution in regard to delivery of healthcare. It goes without argument that medical technology is essential for improving and maintaining people’s health and the general quality of their lives. In fact in the modern era industry, almost all medical practices rely on medical health technology. These technologies are generally utilized in diagnosis, treatment as well as assessment of patient care (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 20014). More than ever, the modern day medical technology is costly, effective and more advanced. Besides, the need for high technology therapeutic and diagnostic health care equipment or facilities continues to grow. However, it is necessary to exercise care in order to avoid conflict with social justice, cost effectiveness and medical necessity. Therefore, providers should ensure that the new technology meets the requirements for the health industry.        

Read also Emerging Health Care Technology with Potential to Overcome Current or Emerging Barriers to Care

There are various new technology requirements for the health care industry that require consideration. According to Scott (2015), health IT engineers and professionals require creating and running applications that are less complex and affordable. For instance, considering a platform as service approach (PaaS), IT professionals in health care industry should focus on providing technologies that can enable management of integrated care to enable physicians and patients realize real value. New technologies should enhance the capacity of predictive modeling and analytic tools (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 20014). This implies that the new technology should enhance the capacity of these tools in regards to stratifying the population, provision of better screening tests, identification of at-risk patients, identification of gaps in healthcare, and facilitation of improved pre-care planning. This is essential for providing the physician with actionable information especially at the point of care. The new technology should increase the efficiency of portal and CRM tools in regards to managing pre and post-care needs of the patient. Besides, the new technology should enhance CRM tools in enabling proactive intervention and tracking of patients by care coordinators (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 20014).

Read also How Patient Education and Technology Impacts the Delivery of Healthcare and Nursing Care

New technologies should also have the capacity to enhance collaboration and social tools. This is significant for allowing health systems engage, cooperate and initiate long-term behavioral transformation in the population. Coordinators of health care should be able to access and utilize online chat platforms to be able to interact with other caregivers in order to improve management of health. New technology, also, should have the capacity to increase the efficiency of mobility apps tools (Venot & Burgun, 2013). Physicians find these tools necessary for education, outreach and post-care procedures. Furthermore, new health care technology should enable patients to obtain and report essential information as specified at the healthcare point. The new technology in the health care industry should have the capacity to recognize its full potential impact. This means that it should fill the existing gaps like availing information that never existed before, and that which can solve the existing problems; for instance, providing cures for fatal ailments. The new technology should apt in order to allow patients to benefit and enable physicians recommend sensible course of action.

In terms of approaching the implementation of the new technology requirement, providers require offering the kind of technology, which aligns the establishment of compliance policies as well as procedures. In addition, they require leveraging technology that embraces a proactive approach as compared to a reactive compliance approach (Venot & Burgun, 2013). Providers should, also, ensure that the risk level associated with any new technology, product, innovation, or process is indicated. Therefore, for purposes of correct implementation, appropriate measures for risk control should be put in place by providers.

Read also Benefits of Healthcare Information Technology

In health care industry, an electronic health record (EHR) system is an essential platform for real-time records that enable instant availability of patient information by authorized users. An EHR system can allow authorized health care providers to create and manage health information in a digital set-up that can be shared across various health care organizations. EHR system is enabled to perform various functions that include: maintenance of problem list, health decision rule, drug interaction checks, e-prescribing and computerized provider entry order for making medication orders (Scott, 2015). The system allows quick and easier retrieval of patient information.                

Read also Key Elements of Certified Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

The need for technological innovation and/or modification is pressing in healthcare industry. For instance, there is need for modification to enable consumers’ access to more effective, less expensive and more convenient treatment (Venot & Burgun, 2013). This will reduce the average time that patients have to spend waiting to see the doctor. There is also need for more technological innovation in order to enable citizens to have greater control over their health statuses. For instance, considering implantation of sensors in the bodies of patients can enable them effectively monitor their diseases.

Telemedicine is an appropriate technological innovation that can improve the overall health of people in different communities. This is essential especially to people in rural settings that lack essential resources like those in metropolitan areas (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 20014). Equipping patients with telehealth services facilitates quick discharge from intensive care units and also reduces the rate of mortality. This innovation is widely practiced at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Even though telemedicine is not entirely a new idea, it requires a lot of support to facilitate its growth. There are various key actions that senior health care leadership can take to push the boundaries management of information technology. The most significant recommendation is this regard entails enhancing portal technology (Scott, 2015). This is a significant tool for enabling patients to become better managers of their own health. This technology provides a reliable platform for patients and doctors to meet and interact online. In so doing, patients and other community members obtain more information regarding better management of their health. 

Read also Implementing a Telemedicine Solution – Grand Hospital Case Study 

In conclusion, the introduction of high technology therapeutic and diagnostic equipment has caused a revolution in regard to delivery of healthcare. In regards to new technology requirements for the health care industry, health IT engineers and professionals require creating and running applications that are less complex and affordable. The new technology should enhance the capacity of these tools in regards to stratifying the population, provision of better screening tests, identification of at-risk patients, identification of gaps in healthcare, and facilitation of improved pre-care planning. In terms of approaching the implementation of the new technology requirement, providers require offering the kind of technology, which aligns the establishment of compliance policies as well as procedures. There is need for modification to enable consumers’ access to more effective, less expensive and more convenient treatment.

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