
Tumor Angiogenesis

Introduction Angiogenesis refers to tissues vascularization process that entails the formation of novel blood capillary vessels from previous blood vessels. Angiogenesis happens as a usual biological process in wound healing, in ischemia response and in the reproductive cycle of female. However, abnormal angiogenesis may happen resulting to both malignant and non-malignant diseases. Abnormal angiogenesis is […]


Circulatory Shock and Its Treatment

Circulation Shock Circulation shock refers to a clinical situation where a disparity of demand and supply of oxygen at cell level yields to cell function incipient failure and tissue hypoxia, resulting to distinctive signs and symptoms, of compensation at the start of shock and failure in the later stage. There are different types of circulatory


Liver Physiology And Anatomy

Liver is the biggest organ and the biggest gland, and among the most essential organs which functions as a hub for waste metabolites excretion and nutrients metabolism. Liver is positioned in the upper part of the right quadrant of the stomach cavity under the right hemidiaphragm. The organ is safeguarded by the rib cage and


Cancer Threat to Liver Homeostasis and the Liver Cancer Mechanism

Liver cancer is among the most popular malignancies in the world, such that it is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the world. Liver cancer pathologically mainly involves intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The two kinds of liver cancers have comparable hepatic microenvironment though they might contain different tumor microenvironments


The Tumor Microenvironment – A Scientific Brief

Oncology Assignment Instructions The Virginia Academy of Science is requesting for scientific articles from experts in the field of oncology for their monthly scientific publication,  after doing research on “The Role of the Microenvironment in Tumor Initiation, Progression, and Metastasis,” write a descriptive essay on the topic “The Tumor Microenvironment – A Scientific Brief”.  The


The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective – Descriptive Essay

Assignment Instructions You have been invited to submit an article to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Annual journal for this year. After doing research on environmental carcinogenesis, write a descriptive essay on the topic “The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective”.  The Environment and Cancer – My Biomedical Perspective – Sample Essay Environment Carcinogenesis and


The Role of Infectious Agents in Oncogenesis

Assignment Instructions Write a paper on the role of infectious agents in oncogenesis. Use the below as your guideline. Introduction and history of infectious agents and oncogenesis-  Identify at least five (5) infectious agents that play a role in oncogenesis-    For each infectious agent, discuss the following; What cancer (s) is it associated with its development? What is(are) the oncogenic factor(s) in the infectious agent? What is(are) the mechanism(s) of oncogenesis-    What are your


Aldosterone As the Most Physiologically Important Hormone

Cortisol, aldosterone and androgens are all hormones used in the human body to perform one or more important roles that ensures healthy and effective operations of the human body. Cortisol is a glucocorticoid which is engaged in stimulating production of glucose in the body. Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid which assists in controlling the level of


Comparing and Contrasting Mutagenic and Non-Mutagenic Carcinogens

Carcinogen refers to an agent which causes autonomous and new tissue growth in a multicellular organism. Carcinogens can be solid materials, chemicals, ionizing radiation, viruses or hormones. All these agents create cancer by altering the cell genomic DNA and then causing these altered cells to flourish instead of going through differentiation into ordinary operational cells. 

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