
HRM’s Role in Organizations – Article Review

HRM’s role in organizations.  What main points does the author (or authors) make Human resource management according to Mwaniki and Gathenya (2015) is an essential corporate asset which influences the organization performance. HRM main aim is to guarantee that organizations attain success via the workers or people. The HRM distinctive feature is its postulation that […]


What HRM is and Why it is Important – Article Review

Human resource management refers to coherent and strategic approach which centers on successful managing of workers at all organizational level to attain organizational goals. According to Burma (2014) workers are the organization human resource and the most valuable asset. In this regard, for an organization to be successful it must make productivity of employee as


Importance of Social Security Benefits – Retirement Income, Life Insurance, Disability Income and Medicare

Overview of What Each Social Security Benefits Offers for Employees Social security benefits are benefits enjoyed by American citizens as instructed by the federal government. The benefits are financed by the employee and the employer on behalf of the employee through taxes. The employer throughout the salaried employee’s working career withholds a certain percentage of


How Business Today Attempt to Control their Health Insurance Costs while Still Using Benefit Packages as Recruitment and Retention Tools

Health insurance benefit is one of the most escalating costs in business. In this regard most organizations are employed different measures to control this cost. One of the strategies used to reduce health insurance cost is by promoting health and safety measures in the workplace through the use of health and safety programs. Organizations currently


Health Insurance Benefits Impact Organization’s Business Results and Employee Wellbeing

Impact of Health Insurance Benefits on An Organization’s Business Results Health insurance is one of the most common employees’ benefits in most organization. Organizations normally provide health insurance to entice the employees. However, this ends up benefiting the organization too.  Health insurance enhances the company’s ability to retain and recruit high-quality employees. Provision of favorable


Time for Change in Pay Plans? – Jean Inc Scenario

Jean Inc Scenario You are a newly hired HR professional now working for Jeans Inc. Jeans does not have a formal wage structure or rate ranges and does not use compensable factors. Wages are basically set on prevailing wages in surrounding communities coupled with some attempt for internal equity among workers. Jeans does not participate


How Employee’s Rights Impact Work Relationships

All workers have primary rights in the workplace which influence how they are treated or must be treated at their workplace. These rights include right to fair compensation, right to privacy, rights to certain benefits and protection against discrimination based on age, gender, nationality, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, race, and disabilities among others. Workers are normally


How Technology Impacts Work Relationships

Technology is being extensively embraced to enhance business operations in the world. Most organizations are relying on technology to enhance communication among workers and between workers and the managers, to monitor performance and to give real-time feedback. Other technology applications include provision of cloud based training and digital checklists. Technology can be used to enhance

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