
Sources of Law in the United States

The four sources of law in the United States include administrative regulations, constitutions, courts opinions and statutes. Statutes refers to laws that legislative branch pass. Statutes passed by the congress are applied countrywide while those passed by state legislature are only applied within their respective states. Administrative regulations refer to laws which are documented by


Amanda Todd and The Anonymous Case Study

In your view, should Amanda’s harasser be held accountable for the suicide of Amanda Todd? Do you see this as a case of corruption of a minor, even though the offense took place entirely online? It is clear based on the Amanda Todd testimony that she was harassed by the anonymous people to a point


Protestant Reformation Leaders That influenced the Roman Catholic Church’s Response

The Protestant Reformation was one of the 16th century major European movements that initially aimed at reforming the practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. Its religious features were complemented by determined political rulers that wished to extend their control and power at the church expense. The Reformation destroyed the unity created by medieval


American Nursing Association – Professional Organization for Nurses

Introduction One of the profession characteristics is the presence of a professional culture that nurture the ethos and values of the profession in the midst of its members. In most cases, this professional culture is maintained and nurtured via the actions of organizations profession. In nursing profession, professional organizations are established to advocate collectively on


Plasma – Forth State of Matter

Plasma refers to hot ionized gas containing about equal number of negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions. Plasmas characteristics vary considerably from those of normal neutral gases such that plasmas are regarded as a distinctive fourth matter state. However, plasma behavior is highly comparable to that of a gas since plasma contains no defined


Islam in the Seventh Century And The Early Muslim Culture

Islam religion was established by Muhammad in the 7th century in Mecca near the red sea. Muhammad who claimed to be God’s messenger similar to Jesus and Moses was receiving messages from God which he wrote in Quran. These messages acted as the law that governs Muslims’ ways of life today. Muslims believe is based

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