Plan To Establish a Career and Counseling Service Center


Many people come to various organization and perform different tasks in accordance to how much information they either have, which drives them to be successful in their achievement or lose out in the quest for a meaningful existence (Brown & Lent, 2013). Career counselling is important to any person seeking to make it in the business world and even in governing the daily activities. As such, each person needs to have more information that can make them make appropriate decisions regarding their career paths and asset them in pursuing career paths that they are suited for. In light of these the website is going to concentrate on the various aspects of career and counselling to students and the individuals still pursuing their careers as all of them need more information on how they can successful purse a career path and make it in the end.


The vision of the center is to prepare and nurture students to make appropriate decisions in an ever-changing world


To provide services that are of high standards to the students and the wider community through consultation and counselling together with partnering with the individuals to enable them improve on their decision making mechanisms and follow a clear path in the various choices they make in life.


  • To provide students with support regarding their studies
  • To provide the students with opportunities to develop wholly on their academic and personal life together with building on their life skills
  • To provide to the community counselling services in regard to their personal life and careers at a fee

Information on the website

The website is going to host information on the various issues affecting careers. Such issues include personality, values, strengths and interests, which will help the students to improve on their choices especially as they study and focus on certain careers (Patton & McMahon, 2014). Psychologists will be available for further information especially where they can be conducted using the chat platforms at various times. Media, blogs, frequently asked questions (FAQ), services, resources, testimonials, and the teams working on counselling will have their information on the website. The services offered to the students will include personal and career counseling.

Student section

The student section will involve various services that are tailored towards meeting their needs. Such services will be tailored towards improving their situation at the time especially in relation to their situations. The personal services will deal with the students themselves and the various situations they are passing through. Stressful conditions like grief, fitting in to the student life and the various pressures associated with the academic environment will be dealt with in personal counseling. Career counseling will involve engaging the students in their career choices and giving them more information on the various careers about the interests, talents and other factors that can help one make the right decision in choosing a career (Sharf, 2013). In addition, it will include the various sessions available to the students especially where the students have to meet the counselor in person. Communication will be conveyed to the students through the chat platform. The website will further have more information about various problems that face students and especially crises that are affect the students most of the times. The website further will provide details on how more professional services can be conducted especially about the students on the various issues affecting them. Referrals can thus be made appropriately to the students especially by the advice of the counsellor who interact with the students on the website. To take a personality test please click here

Community section

The website will further have information concerning people outside the institution who may seek professional help and thus will further carter for the community. Professional help will further be provides in terms of dealing with stress (Eliason & Patrick, 2008). Such services will involve personal counselling, student’s services, and personality inventories. The members of the community in this regard will have to pay for the services while the students will obtain the services free of charge.

Organization use

Counselling tailored towards meeting the organizational needs in terms of interacting with the workers is important. More people in the organization can thus get counselling on the website by choosing the organization section. The organization section will further be linked to the various workers who can access the counselling services at their own convenience especially if they need any help with any problems affecting them. Organizations will have to pay for the counselling services (Brown, 2002).

The center will therefore provide services both to students and outsiders through the website and further help the community in dealing with the various pressures in their life especially where they may come to a standstill about various issues they are facing in their life (Leong, 2014). Therefore, the purpose of the counselling services will clearly be elaborated especially in ensuring that students and the community at large have a fulfilling live and approach the various challenges they face with more wisdom gained form counselling.

Career development theories

Krumboltz’s social learning theory.

Career development is an important concept that focusses on the continuity of a person’s quest to obtained fulfillment in life especially in seeking for education, knowledge on self together with educational and occupation alternatives (Spencer et al., 2013). People thus come to understand more about themselves as they engage in various roles in life about their work and development in life. Career regards the occupation of a person. The United States for example describes a person with what he does and thus the work identity describes the person. Therefore, in this regard, education should be tailored towards assisting people gain their full potential by discovering their interests and information that can help them choose their careers wisely.

Theories are important in describing the various careers developments in people’s life. Not all people are fitted to follow the same path in life as some are best suited for other occupations due to their characters while other have total different points of view and thus cannot fit properly in certain job descriptions.

Theories further study people in terms of their personality and tendencies especially in focusing on their whole person to determine how counselling can be carried out, when it can be conducted and what how it should be implemented in different circumstances in regard to the specific individuals. Therefore, instances of career guidance, career education and career counselling are done accordingly in respect to the situations of the individuals (Blustein, 2013). career development theories are an important part in counselling especially since they focus on various disciplines in the academic fraternity that include developmental psychology, sociology which concentrated on occupational dynamics, personality that rests on the notion that individuals specifically contribute to their experiences and differential psychology which deals with occupations and work. All the theories thus describe behavior of people and given information to the counsellors that tis effective in dealing with various problems facing certain individuals. Some of the theories are as below.

Person environment theory

Holland theory

The Holland theory focusses mostly on the style of behavior and type of personality of an individual as a primary influence on how he or she chooses a career. The choice in an occupation is not random and it is related to the personality of a person. Furthermore individual in the same occupations have near identical personalities as such individuals respond to the different problems similarly (Meijers & Lengelle, 2012). The satisfaction, stability and achieving in relation to an occupation is dependent on how the job environment connects with the personality of a person. Six Holland typologies help significantly in studying the personality of a person in relation to his workplace. The six typologies are realistic, investigative, artistic, social enterprising and conventional. Counsellor concentrate on the personality of person in connection to the appropriate career suited for him.

The six typologies go into further retail to explain the characters of individuals and further links them to the appropriate occupations according to their personalities. Therefore, the counsellor looks at the carious characters regarding the individuals and individuals are marched according to the different traits associated with Holland six typologies to find a suitable occupation for the person (Hoekstra, 2011). If the personality of the person matches the various traits in a certain typology then such people can have a satisfying, persistent and congruent approach to their work. As such, the Holland theory examines individuals on their most dominant traits and links them to the suggested careers. The theory is significant in counselling as it enables people who a certain predisposition towards various issues to be linked to occupations that fit their personalities. If a person is social, he will be placed in an occupation that involves a lot of interaction.

Person-environment fit theory

The person fit environment theory focusses on the compatibility of the work environment to an individual. As such, the characteristics of the work environment and the particular individuals are matched to know if there is a match. Some characteristics of individuals can be the personality, values, and abilities among others (Kuijpers et al., 2012). Environmental qualities in this regard can be qualities of certain people at the workplace, extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and cultural blues associated with the social environment of an individual. There are various fits used in the domain that include person organization fit, person job fit, person group and person – person fit. Counselors are required to measure the various individuals according in terms of their characteristic and their work environment.

Trait and factor theory

The trait and factor theory mainly focusses on career development by pointing out various individual characteristics by examining a person, understanding the qualities of various occupations and matching a person with a particular career. The trait and factor theory has greatly been used to counsel individuals in attaining there goals of choosing a better career. The theory has helped to study individuals and further develop instruments that are effective towards studying the specific individuals and getting more information that can help in choosing an appropriate career (Pryor &Bright, 2012). Other methods are being developed together with the existing ones, which have helped in studying the various career paths and thus job descriptions. Only traits are concentrated upon in this theory but they leave out any interests, values, changes, personalities and achievements that can be associated with a person in his or her lifetime. The theory is limited thus because it focusses on traits only without considering the whole person and what he or she can achieve.

Bandura’s social cognitive theory

Albert Bandura who had a different opinion on the learning process among different individuals developed social cognitive theory. The theory mostly concentrated on the various influences on people by the environment in their career choices. Career choice among individuals was examined by the theory in terms of how individuals developed career and academic interests (Hartung, 2010). Furthermore the individuals were further examined on how they made their career and education choices and finally career, academic and stability. All the various models as put forth above sum up to three main variables that are personal goals, outcome expectations and self-efficacy. Counselors in this regard look at the academic performance and the career prospects in determining how an individual can effectively make a career choice.

Super’s development theory

Donald Super Instituted the theory. The theory greatly focusses on self-concept of a person. Career choice in this regard is linked to the developmental processes of a person in regarding having a self-concept, which is stable and realistic. People have the tendency of following career paths that are connected to their self-concepts (Moon, 2013). Career maturity is further deliberated in the theory where certain individuals have developed to a certain level in terms of their behavior. As such, maturity in regards to development means that the people have met the expectations needed at a certain developmental stage. The theory focusses on the lifespan on an individual and the various developments that are required of such a person in different stages of his or her life. Five stages are further looked at by the theory.

The first stage is the growth stage that ranges from birth to the fourteen and fifteen years. The stage usually have various characteristics, aptitudes, interests and needs associated with the children at this stage. The next stage is the exploratory stage, which ranges between the ages of fifteen to twenty four years. Choosing occupations for the individuals at this stage is narrowed further due to their developmental stage. Another stage is the establishment stage. The individuals in the establishment stage range from twenty-five to forty-four years (Kagitcibasi, 2013). Such years usually feature the work experience obtained by the individual as he or she pursues a career. The ages of forty five to sixty five years encompass individuals who are passing through the continual adjustment stage, which usually features various improvements that are made to the work processes or career of an individual.

People in the range of sixty-five years and over form part of the decline phase. The output at work of such an individual is reducing continually as a person gets older and retirement is the next option for such a person. The theory greatly brings into detail the career developing concerning various person than the other theories. More people can get information that can help them plan their life more accurately and thus give them more information about the choice of the career and in which stages they can change their careers and further develop until they reach retirement age.

Krumboltz theory

Krumboltz’s theory is another important theory in career counselling especially since it borders on classical behaviorism while further borrowing much from the social learning theory. The theory concentrates on many factors, which individually have an effect on the person making a career choice (Krumboltz et al., 2013). Environmental conditions and situations that a person cannot be able to control television from a central factor that which determines the decision a particular person has to make in choosing a career. The various aspects of such a factor are that the person has to undertake the course even if he or she does not like it or it may be because of his or her parents wanting their child to choose a certain career regardless of his interests in another career.

Cultural and social norms are some of the aspects in this factor. Genetic makeup of person is another important aspect that is instrumental in career choice and counselling. The genetic makeup of a person thus may contribute to the success or failure of person in a certain career (Krumboltz, 2011).

. It can limit or expand alternatives for different individuals. Genetic endowment further includes other factors like race and sex, which may hinder a person in succeeding in certain careers due to discrimination or even hinder them from achieving their full potential especially for women in certain careers and even in education institutions (. People have different talents in accordance with their genes, which can increase their chances at pursuing other careers and eventually living fulfilling lives pursuing their careers. Individual learning is another factor that helped in determining the individual career choice with associative and instrumental approaches (Sharf, 2014). As such people can be motivated to pursue a certain career when they see problem that they can contribute in solving it like seeing poor child on live television  and opting to be a solution to them by taking on a career in social work. Some people can be rewarded for doing something and then they develop an interest towards a related career path like athletics where one goes decides to be an athlete fulltime and does not follow the career path set by the course he or she is taking.

Learning experiences according to the theory include the various ways learners obtain the various skills especially where they get skills they did not have before from carrying out their tasks. As such, the theory bases on the fact that people are always comparing themselves with others in terms of abilities, skills and their performance.


As such, standards have to be put in place, which determine the skill set of such individuals in linking them to the factors mentioned above to determine a clear path for an individual’s career. Therefore, though many people may not like various subjects like sciences or math’s career counselling can open them up to greater opportunities especially where they learn on how to deal with their personalities and approach different subjects that will further enable them achieve success in pursuing their careers throughout school. Therefore, career development in Krumboltz’s opinion looks at each individual as unique and that people can still change their careers from their initial careers and still be successful so long as they discover where they can operate more successfully in various careers.

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