Principle Rights Of A Copyright Owner

The work’s copyright owner holds copyright rights. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, these rights can be classified into five categories.

  • Reproduction Right.  

This right allows the copyright owner to reproduce their work in any way and at any time they wish to do so (Patterson, 1991). In addition, this right prevents other people from reproducing the work.

  •  Right to Create Derivative Works

This right allows the copyright owner to produce altered forms of the original work and prevents other people from doing so. For example, a novel writer holds the right to convert the novel into a screenplay. This right is restricted to the first distribution of the work only (Patterson, 1991). For instance, although the novel writer has the right to distribute the novel and commercialize any other material generated from it, a library has the right to rent it out without the author’s consent.

  • The Right of Public Performance

This right gives the copyright owner the right to perform his/her work in public without any restrictions. However, the right excludes performances that do not require owner’s consent such as performance of the work for the educational purposes at a non-profit making organization, performance of the work in a religious place and any place without admission fee (Patterson, 1991).

  • The Right of Public Display

This right is very similar to the public performance right but instead of performance, it deals with display (Patterson, 1991). The copyright owner has the right to display the work at any place and time, without restrictions.

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