Programs and Initiatives Supported By Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Assignment Instructions

Visit the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website and browse the site to learn about programs and initiatives supported by OJJDP. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website can be found at Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention . Some of the programs listed on this website include the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency Program, the National Gang Center, Programs for Tribal Youth, the Safe Start program, and the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program. Select at least five of the programs or initiatives listed on the OJJDP website and study the underlying philosophy associated with each.

Consider the following questions as they relate to each of the five programs or initiatives you selected:

  1. Which of these programs appear to be based on social process principles? On social development concepts?;
  2. Are there any programs listed on the OJJDP site that seem to be built on assumptions drawn from social structural approaches? If so, which programs? Classify each of the five programs or initiatives according to its theoretical underpinnings.

Programs and Initiatives Supported By Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Sample Answer

Programs and Initiatives Supported By Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) oversees grant programs (Gemignani, 1994) sanctioned by the amended Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act of 1974. OJJDP administers programs that assist in strengthening of the juvenile justice system, punish juvenile offenders, prevent juvenile law breaking, and protect the states’ youth (Gemignani, 1994).

Read also Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Treatment – Final Project : Research Paper

Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency

The program develops the understanding of serious violence, felony, and drug use by observing the development of youth in the school, community, and family context (Gemignani, 1994). The program of research on the causes and correlates of delinquency advances information on the state trends in juvenile crime and supports an information sharing and data collection system, which integrates the basics of systems development. The system also identifies the development of delinquency and the methods for its intervention, prevention, and treatment. The program analyzes the efficiency of the juvenile justice system.

Information Sharing to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency Program: A Training and Technical Assistance Project

Juvenile Information Sharing Program aims towards the increment of the capability of youth-serving agencies (Krisberg, Hawkins & Wilson, 1995. This helps to shape multiagency partnerships where exchange of information occurs in a secure and timely manner. The information dissemination unit distributes information resources concerning juvenile justice research and programs. Relevant information is available to policy makers and juvenile justice professionals through print, online publications, videotapes, and electronic means. The program planning process involves developing priorities, publishing solicitations, and facilitation of the peer review process.

Read also Understanding the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Choice Theories vs. Trait Theories

Children’s Advocacy Centre

Children Advocacy Centre emphasizes the importance of coordinated investigations and treatment of child abuse cases as well as their prosecution (Krisberg, Hawkins & Wilson, 1995.Children Advocacy Centre programs provide the funding needed to promote operational proceduresand policies that address the problems of exploited, abused or neglected children, and children victims of domestic or community violence.

National Gang Centre Program

The National Gang Centre Program helps law practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to develop and implement effective community-based gang intervention, prevention, and suppression strategies (Howell, 2006). The National Youth Gang Center identifies that street gang actions require a broad in order to reduce youth involvement and reduce gang crime levels (Howell, 2006). Merging of gang centers has leveraged resources and brought about an efficient entity, one that responds to the wants of researchers, law practitioners, and the public.

Tribal Youth Programs and Services

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Tribal Youth Programs and Services assist tribal communities to avoidoppression and juvenile law breaking, reduce the rate of violent crime, and advance tribal juvenile justice systems.The programsupports juvenile crime prevention services and enhances the ability of tribes to care for juvenile offenders as well as support tribal governments in their effort to prevent juvenile delinquency and their response to juvenile offenders (Krisberg, Hawkins &Wilson, 1995).

The Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency, Information Sharing to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency Program, Children’s Advocacy Centre, National Gang Centre Program, and the Tribal Youth Programs and Services are all programsbased on social process principles and social development concepts (Gemignani, 1994). The mission of the programs is to offer state coordination, leadership, and resources in order to inhibit and respond to child victimization and juvenile offences. The programs’ theoretical underpinnings include improving youth behavior through enhancing family relationships that relate directly to youth behavioral problem and improving inter-relations between systems that influence youth and the family.

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