Proposal to Upgrade From IPv4 to IPv6

Globalization today is contributing to radical changes in different industries especially the IT industry, which is prone to everyday technological advancements. Initially different organizations have been using the IPV4 protocol in their system and are gradually changing to IPv6 (Mashable, 2017). The upgrade is due to the everyday technological advancements that come with additional and better benefits, therefore this research proposal will explain why an organization should choose to upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6.

Read also IPv6, Its Benefits, Potential Issues and Its Implementation

IPV6 is the 6th version of the internet protocol, which was built to succeed the IPv4. The internet protocol operates similarly to the IPv4 although it provides other additional unique features that are necessary for devices that are internet enabled to be able to communicate properly and easily. Nevertheless, the new internet protocol has a major difference from the former since it utilizes the 128-bit operating system addresses. This makes the communication between internet enabled devices easier and faster, while operating with IPv6 than IPv4 (Mashable, 2017). IPv4 support 32-bit addresses and does not operate addresses with more than 32-bit, therefore it operates a limited number of addresses. This is a problem to institutions in the IT industry since most of these institutions are expanding their business especially in the global market where they require adequate means of communications (Beal, 2017). Such organizations operating in the global market have their hub in their local market and at the same time have other subsidiaries in other countries; therefore, they require operating their subsidiaries from their hub and rely on internet to run their communication. However, internet protocol especially IPv4 limits the addresses of reach for communication purposes creating inconveniences for such organizations.

Nevertheless, this problem can be avoided by upgrading the internet protocol from IPv4 to IPv6, which operates on 128-bit addresses which offers a wide range of communication from one area to another (Mashable, 2017). IPv6 provides more than enough addresses to keep the internet operating for a very long time and in a wide range. Therefore, organizations that require expanding their network and improving their communication can upgrade their systems to IPv6, which gives a lot of addresses and durability for the organization in terms of internet operations since it lasts for a very long time.

However, switching from IPv4 to IPv6 is not that easy and requires a lot of effort as well as capital (Beal, 2017). This is because most computers and servers do not support IPv6 protocol and only work with the old IPv4. There in order for an organization to switch from IPv4 to IPv6 they would require to change their servers and computers, which requires a lot of planning as well as time and money. Additionally, IPv6 is still at its infancy and still requires some security checks to ensure that it has no bugs and it’s compatible with other systems.

Therefore, for an organization to upgrade their systems from IPv4 to IPv6 it would require planning and money. IPv6 is a better upgrade from IPv4 but at the same time it is still expensive for an organization to change from on internet protocol to another. Accordingly, an organization that requires upgrading from one internet protocol (IPv4) to another IPv6 will need to set out a budget for this upgrade as well as a plan in order to ensure that they do not hurt their operations. Consequently, IPv6 is a better upgrade compared to IPv4 because of their extensive address reach.

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