Reserved Parking By Organizations For Certain Members And Its Pros And Cons

What are the motivational implications of organizations having reserved parking for certain members?

Whenever a company tries to motivate its employees, there is a psychological component that persuades them  to want to act in a given manner so as to obtain a given objective (Mowday, 1991). Once the goal is obtained,the employee is expected to continue behaving in that manner thus the desired objective acts as a motivating factor. A good example of this form of motivation is Hollywood providing personalized nameplates that indicate employees’ reserved parking slots for some employees. Getting a reserved parking slot is perceived as a symbol of success, a perception that motivates employees.

What are the pros and cons of reserved parking from an expectancy theory perspective?  

Expectancy theory is employed with the aim of encouraging a employees to be self-motivated as well as perform to a level that meets the company’s expectation. The employees are made to believe that if they deliver a certain standard of results, they can then expect to be rewarded in a certain way for their efforts (Mowday, 1991). When the expected reward is desirable enough to the the employee and it is reinforced by the organization, the employees tend to achieve abd maintain the desired results so as to secure their reward.

An advantage for the company is that it can employ this strategy to entice and maintain a given level of performance amongst their employees. The advantage this has for the employees is that it helps them get what they desire, in this case, more convenient parking slots. It also gives them recognision and affirmation that they are effective and successful in their jobs.

A disadvantage for the company includes added expenses. In recent years, the company reported a total valet expense charge $800,000 per year. Some companies outsource valet services from other companies to ensure that the available parking slots are utilized in the best way possible. Furthermore, the reserved parking slots require signs and attendants to man them, which increases the cost of maintenance.

The disadvantage this has on employees is that it could lead to bias. Angry employees who might feel that the rewarding system is unjust can potentially target employees who have reserved parking slots.

What are the pros and cons of reserved parking from an equity theory perspective?

Equality is a relatively subjective point of view that defines satisfaction on the basis of fair versus unfair allocation of benefits. Stances and views about the equality of the allocation can impact interpersonal relationships drastically, especially within anorganization setting (Kanfer, 1990).

The advantage from this point of view is that the company can use the allocation of reserved parking slots as a rewarding system for its employees. For example a company may reserve a slot for its ‘employee of the month’ or the ‘best sales person for the period’ and so on. This will motivate employees to perform better since they all stand an equal chance of having the special consideration.

A disadvantage for the employees is that they may feels that they have achieveda very desirable level of performance but they are not recognized or rewarded. The company on the other hand may not have bought into the idea of using the reserved parking as a rewarding system and they may allocate them using different criteria in.

Why do you thin Steve Swasey of Netflex indicated that people who need a reserved parking space probably don’t belong in Netflix?

He remarked that Netflix does not offer expense accounts, expense account limits or vacation day restrictions to its employees. The company that is offering reserved parking slots to its employees, as a type of incentive does not fit into the Netflix company ideology.


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