Role Of Women in the Scientific Revolution of the 18th Century And Today’s Science

As much as women scientists were involved in Renaissance and Humanistic Movements, they were also involved actively in scientific revolutions of the 18th century just like their male counter parts. The discoveries of the 17th and 18th century inspired gifted female scientists to develop and formulate their own theories about various subjects. These female scientists performed their own experiments and published their findings, (Chen & Barker, 2000).

In America and across Europe, many female scientists were involved much in natural sciences, where they used their own knowledge to formulate applications in the fields of medicine, botany, chemistry, mathematics, physical chemistry and astronomy among other areas, (Chen & Barker, 2000). Many of these women scientists made very important contributions in science, for example, Countess of Cinchon is credited for alerting Europe about the use of quinine in treatment of malaria. Margaret Cavendish is another infamous female scientist credited for her studies in astronomy, study of universe and mathematics, where she wrote many books.

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In modern world, scientific revolution owes some part to the potential of female scientists. Former female scientists faced many obstacles owing to gender bias; however, modern female scientists have freedom to express their ideas. Modern female scientists have made many contributions and notable examples include Marie Curie whose work in x-rays led to revolutions in medicine, (, 2011). Likewise, Kristen Swanson is credited for her extensive work on caring in nursing.

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