Scientific, Human Relations And Systems Management Styles in Criminal Justice System

Leadership and management are very important aspects in every organization. The significance of management and leadership concepts greatly applies in the criminal justice community because proper management of any law enforcement agency relies on effective leadership. The three management styles that can be applied by organizations include systems management, human relations management, and scientific management styles. Based on the expected outcome, the criminal justice system must select the best management style to use out of the three. Additionally, the criminal justice systems must understand the disadvantage of each and every management style prior to making a choice. Moreover, it is important to determine whether three components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections, use the same type of management style.

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Scientific, Human Relations And Systems Management Styles in Criminal Justice System

Management is a term that is sometimes difficult to define as many people may give it different meanings. According to Allen and Sawheny (2010), management is a process that is carried out with the aim of meeting the goals of an organization. It is the process through which corporations combine tasks performed by different individuals as a way of mining cost, effort, and time in order to achieve goals of an organization. Founded by Frederick Winslow Taylor, scientific management style attempts to view the work process from a scientific standpoint. Basically, the scientific management style assumes that it is more important to get the most out of what a worker has done that to make an employee work as hard as he can. Additionally, scientific management style calls for maximum cooperation between the worker and the manager for the desired goals to be achieved (Stone and Patterson, 2005).

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Human relations management style focuses on the people who assist an organization to achieve its goals. This style supports effective communication between workers and managers as a way of promoting meaningful interaction between the two entities. Organizations that use human relations management style must motivate employees to increase productivity (Zeiger, 2014). According to (Hawthorne, 2014), systems management style focuses on the relationships between various segments of an organization. Systems management style assumes that the success of every organization relies on the interdependency among various elements within an organization. The main advantage of systems management style is the fact that it allows managers to coordinate operations of different parts in the organization to achieve the set goals (Ingram, 2014).

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Which style do you believe would be the most effective to use in the criminal justice system? – Systems Management Style

Out of the three management styles, systems management style would be the most effective to use in the criminal justice system. This selection has been made depending on the goal that will be accomplished when systems management style is used. The main reason why systems management style would be the most appropriate for use in the criminal justice system is because it promotes cohesiveness and unity in an organization while at the same time maximizing on effectiveness and efficiency (Hawthorne, 2014). Systems management style will allow all parts of the criminal justice system to function in unison to achieve a common mission. The main goal of the criminal justice system is to process cases that often involve an offender, a victim, and witnesses. This must be done in stages that utilize both input and output systems because it is only after one stage is successfully accomplished that the next one can begin. In order for the case process to be successful, the criminal justice system must understand how each and every stage is affected by all its parts, which can only be achieved by using systems management style (Bernard, Pauline, & Pare, 2005).

What are Disadvantages of Scientific Management Style and Human Relations Management Style?

Scientific management style will do very little to assist the criminal justice system achieve its mission. The success of the activities performed by the criminal justice system depends on participation of various functions including the administrators, the general, public, the offenders, and the victims. However, the scientific management approach will fail to address certain aspects of the criminal justice process as it only focuses on the specific goals that are to be achieved. For instance, when dealing with different offenders, it is important to handle each one of them differently for the success of the criminal justice process. However, the scientific management style will attempt to handle all the offenders the same way for economic reason, only paying attention to the goal. This means that scientific management style does not allow all components of the criminal justice system to function as a unit (Peak, 2010). Similarly, human relations management style will not address all the requirements of the criminal justice system. This is because it only focuses on employees and fails to consider how various parts of the criminal justice system should operate to achieve the mission of the whole organization. According to Peak (2010), using human relations management style in the criminal justice system will make workers to concentrate more on rewards than on completing the tasks of the whole system

Should all 3 Components (police, courts, and corrections) use the Same Type of Management Style?

The criminal justice system is comprised of three different components namely the police, courts, and correction. A particular management style is applicable in every component depending on the goal that a given component intends to achieve. For instance, scientific management style can be used in courts to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved (Stone and Patterson, 2005). Moreover, human relations management style can be used to motivate employees working in all the three components (Zeiger, 2014). However, for the overall success of the police, the courts, and the corrections system, only one management style should be applied to ensure that the three components function in unison (Hawthorne, 2014).


It is important to understand the overall goal of the criminal justice system prior to selecting the best management style to use. The criminal justice system is a large body whose success depends on effective functioning of various parts. Its goal is to apprehend criminals, ensure justice for the victims, and protect the general public from the impacts of criminal activities. It is therefore necessary to streamline the management style with the goals of the criminal justice system for optimal and efficient performance.

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