Social Responsibility – Principles of Management

Briefly describe what social responsibility means to you personally.

Personally, social responsibility means engaging in constructive activities that will eventually benefit the society as a whole, and not cause any harm to the people within it.

Read also Requirements for the Implementation of an Organization’s Commitment to Social Responsibility

Do you think business organizations should be socially responsible?

Business organizations should be socially responsible since they are the center of the society. What a business show that it does not tolerate will effectively show in other areas of the society. For instance, the business can positively influence the social responsibility of employees and suppliers, thus encouraging a better society. By being socially responsible, an organization will have rules stating how the employees are expected to behave, and the activities they are not supposed to engage in (Glavas & Kelley, 2014).

Read also A Multinational Corporation Has No Moral Or Social Responsibility To Engage In Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs

In the long run, the society benefits from employees who will be guided by the organization’s social responsibility. The same effect is present for suppliers of the business. The suppliers will be forced to provide high quality materials since they know the business will not tolerate anything that will lead to poor products for the society (Glavas & Kelley, 2014).

Read also Discussion : Extent to Which A Company Embraces Corporate Social Responsibility

Do you think values-based management is just a “do-gooder” ploy?

Value based management is not just a “do-gooder” ploy especially where these values are indeed being implemented into the culture of the organization. This is because, just as Robbins and Coulter (2012) state, management has a role of developing and maintaining an environment that is supposed to encourage employees to adapt to the organization culture that has incorporated values.

 To analyze the need to balance the interests of a variety of stakeholder groups, what questions should management ask?

When it comes to balancing the interests of a variety of stakeholder groups, the following four questions can be asked; One, How many stakeholder groups are present? Two, Which stakeholder group has more power than others? Three, Which stakeholder group has more members than the rest? Four, are the stakeholders government based or from the private sector?

How do managers misuse discipline? Provide two (2) examples.

Managers misuse discipline in a number of ways. First, when a manager has personal feelings that lead him to not want the employee in the organization, he may misuse power by disciplining him to extreme measures than is deserved (Robbins & Coulter, 2012). Second, managers can simply keep disciplining an employee for issues which are not even supposed to be disciplined.

Read also How is Leadership Different from Management? – Managers Vs Leaders

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