How is Leadership Different from Management? – Managers Vs Leaders


“Anyone can become a manager but not everyone can become a leader.” Leadership and management are conceptions that have often been used indistinguishably. Management is defined as organizing and directing people, aiming to accomplishing the overall goal of the organization. Leadership on the other hand refers to the proficiency an individual who is best fit to influence people, maintain the culture of the organization. Leadership has always been deemed as been the facet of management (Predpall, 1994).

Managers retains; Leaders Develop.

Managers prefer retaining the system and structures, policies as well as procedures in an organization to the latter. They think inside the box thus not challenging the status quo.Leaders on the other hand are deemed as innovative creatures as they tend to question the status quo. They prefer to challenge it. Leaders think outside the box which isof more benefit to the companyas they focus on people by developing systems and structures that will be of an advantage(Fenton, 1990)

Managers Dominates; the Leaders Inspires

People follow leaders out of their own choice. Certain characteristics draw people to leaders. Leaders try to create a culture where people can learn from one another.Managers demand authority. These equates managers as been in charge thus giving no room for anyone who wants to question his authority.

Risk-taker Vs Risk-averse

Leaders are always comfortable taking risks as this makes them feel a sense of fulfillment from the gain or loss of a risk as leaders believe that from the success or the failure of the risk, they learn and develop. Managers on the other hand are usually reluctant to take risks for fear of not generating success. They prefer to maintain the status quo thus reducing any loss that may incur in damaging an organization.

Transformational Vs Transactional

Managers prefer to use transactional style as this enables they believe that by using disciplinary power and offering incentives, they will get employees motivated to perform.On the other hand, leaders use transformational leadership style as they believe that by incorporating team-building, motivation and collaboration among employees, this will place the organization at increasing their accomplishments as the employees are well catered for. Here, leaders focus on building relationships.

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