Book Review

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Farming the Home Place – Book Review

The author of Farming the Home Place attempted to provide a broad survey of the work of farm women, impact on agriculture, adoption of technology, social ideology about farm women’s role, government agricultural policy and farm women’s labor in the Midwest. The book illustrated the major changes of the time period as well as defining significant


Book Review: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is an expertly written environmental science book published in 1962. It focuses on the documentation of detrimental effects that the haphazard use of pesticides has on the environment. In the book, she is vocal about her criticism of chemical industry which she blames for the rampant disinformation that is aimed


A Modest Proposal – Book Review

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift The book “A Modest Proposal” written by Jonathan Swift is a literary piece of work that sought to find the solution to the burden that poor children had from their parents in Ireland. It also sought to find out how they could be of benefit to the public. The


Book Review – Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint

Book review: Eisenberg, Eric. M. Organizational communication: balancing creativity and constraint. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2009. Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint is a book written by Eric M. Eisenberg of the University of South Florida. This author continues joining the most contemporary and, at the same time, respected scholarship in the field of

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