
Explore a comprehensive collection of academic materials focused on crime studies. Enhance your understanding of criminal behavior, justice systems, and prevention strategies.


Crime Mapping

Crime mapping refers to a process of utilizing a geographic information system to carry out spatial crime problems analysis as well as other related police issues. Crime mapping facilitates statistical and visual analysis of the spatial crime nature and other forms of events. It permits analysts to connect different sources of data together, as per […]


Computer Crimes Acts Research Paper Instructions

Today, there are many laws that address different acts of computer crimes. Select one of the laws presented in Chapter three (3) or four (4) of the textbook. Write a 3-4 page paper in which you: Identify the chosen law and evaluate its impact on society in the U.S. and / or global environment. Describe


The Frequency Of Corporate Crime In The United States

Crime is divided into different types: ordinary/conventional; organizational /occupational. Conventional crime engulfs crimes of violence like rape, assault, and murder. On the other hand, theoccupational crime consists of aviolation of laws in the course of carrying out a legitimate occupation and is also dubbed “white collar crime.” Lastly, organizational crime is committed by large organizations

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