Juvenile Delinquency

Understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies for juvenile delinquency is crucial for addressing this issue in society. Learn more about juvenile delinquency and how to combat it.


Understanding Social Disorganized Communities and the Link to Juvenile Delinquency in Urban Areas

The concept of social disorganization plays a pivotal role in understanding the dynamics of crime in urban areas. Rooted in the work of sociologists Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, social disorganization theory helps explain why some neighborhoods experience higher levels of crime, particularly juvenile delinquency. Their groundbreaking study, Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas, highlights how […]


Understanding the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Choice Theories vs. Trait Theories

Delinquency theories are important because they provide some perspective on why juveniles commit crime. Examining the different perspectives on why juveniles offence can influence the juvenile justice system, the juvenile process, and the law. Some delinquency experts believe that delinquency is a product of an individual’s decision-making process (Choice Theorists). Other experts believe that delinquency


Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Treatment

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Treatment: Effective Strategies and Interventions Juvenile delinquency remains a significant concern worldwide, with far-reaching implications for individuals, families, and communities. Understanding and addressing the root causes of juvenile delinquency is essential for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. This paper explores the key factors contributing to juvenile delinquency, examines evidence-based prevention


Juvenile Crime In The Past 100 Years

The juvenile justice system of America has developed over the past century with notable differences that distinguish it from the adult criminal justice process. Advocates of juvenile justice supported the differences on diminished youthful offender accountability, legal understanding and youths’ greater amenability to treatment. A hundred years ago, Illinois legislature enacted Illinois Juvenile Court Act


Treatment of Juvenile Offenders in the American Criminal System

Treatment of Juvenile Offenders in the American Criminal System While appraising the law as it appertains to minors, the American criminal system classifies crimes committed by minors as status offenses. Status offenses refer to a class of wrongdoings that only apply as such to juvenile offenders; they do not apply as such to crimes committed


Role and Importance of Family in Juvenile Offenders

In recent years, experts and behavioral experts have underscored the importance of family involvement during the treatment period scheduled for juvenile offenders.. Emerging research by experts such as Pardini (2016) has shown that family involvement in the treatment of juvenile offenders significantly improves the success of rehabilitation and reduces the likelihood of recidivism. Among one


Peter vs. the State of Rhode Island Case – Juvenile Justice

Peter vs. the State of Rhode Island Scenario 17-year-old Peter broke into a home, stole approximately $10,000 worth of jewelry and electronics, and consumed a bottle of wine before he fled the scene in a stolen car. The police stopped Peter after noticing him swerving, speeding, and then slowing down on the interstate highway. During


Juveniles Offenders Should Be Sentenced in Adult Courts

Research Paper Instructions Although the original goal of the juvenile court was to care for the wayward child through therapeutic interventions, there are many individuals calling for juveniles to be treated as adult offenders. The current debate between those pushing for harsher juvenile punishment and those asking for treatment may lead to a shift in


Juvenile Delinquency Prevention – Research Paper

Introduction Juvenile delinquency prevention is a concept that focuses in safeguarding children and teenagers from being involved in crime before they consider engaging in crime. According to Greenwood (2008), there are various reasons to prevent young people from being involved in crime or from continuing to be involved in delinquent behavior. One of the most

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